Page 34 - ODO 2024 JanFeb online version
P. 34


            Canada geese conserve heat by tucking legs and feet, and by tucking bills under feathers.


              Have you ever wondered how birds keep
            their legs warm? Waterfowl species circu-                                                           ANDRE ALBUqUERqUE/FLICKR CC BYNC 2
            late blood through a countercurrent heat
            exchange, isolating the blood that flows in
            their legs rather than circulating it throughout
            their entire bodies. This helps to keep their
            body temperatures higher.
              Birds also have specialized scales on their
            feet and legs that help minimize heat loss.
              Many ducks, geese, pelicans, gulls, and
            swans further conserve body heat by stand-
            ing on one leg or even sitting down. Canada
            geese tuck their bills under their back feathers,
            keeping their bills warm while also increasing
            breathing efficiency by taking in warmer air.

                                                    Waterfowl, such as this male wood duck, often bury their bills under their wings to
                                                    minimize heat loss.

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