Page 37 - ODO 2024 JanFeb online version
P. 37


              Oct. 1, opening day of Oklahoma’s
            2023  black  bear  archery  season,                                                                 CALEB FLIES/FACEBOOK
            found 26-year-old Caleb Flies in a
            tree stand an hour before first light.
            He wanted to be set in his spot well
            before shooting time, to let the
            woods settle.
              He’d had a bad case of the nerves
            since the previous day, and he awoke
            at 4 that morning to begin his quest.
            Months of preparation had led him to
            this point.
              For Flies (a name of German origin,
            pronounced “Fleece”), fishing and
            hunting had played big roles in his
            upbringing. He became interested
            in archery as a youngster, watching
            movies such as “Lord of the Rings”
            and “Robin Hood.” And it was tradi-
            tional archery that especially piqued
            his interest.

            “When it all comes together,      it.” For him, that meant much more   “Still trying to process the fact that this actually
                                                                                just happened today. Oklahoma black bear with
            it’s the most rewarding           work than the run-of-the-mill mod-  full primitive bow, string, arrow, and stone point.
                                                                                A great hunt, came in uphill next to me about 7
            experience I could ever           ern-day hunter. It meant spending   yards away. I thankfully made a great shot ... . I
                                                                                used only natural materials to make this setup. ...
                                              countless hours and thousands of
                                                                                Could be the first primitive bear kill here in over
            imagine in hunting .”             miles over the previous couple of bear   a hundred years.”
                                              seasons, making sure his feeders were
              “After I got my first deer with a   full and his archery
            longbow, I sold the compound and   gear was just right.
            I never really even took the rifle out   He began hand-                                             CALEB FLIES/FACEBOOK
            after that, either.”              crafting his selfbow
              On this autumn day, he was pur-  earlier in the spring.
            suing a longtime bear-hunting goal:   His selfbow is a sin-
            “I was going for strictly primitive, no   gle piece of bois
            modern materials.”                d’arc that he cut,
              In  his  tree stand  with  him  was  his   with no enhance-
            handmade longbow of Osage orange   ments. A decorative
            wood and twisted flax fiber string, with   wrap of copperhead
            beaver tail leather grip, and Douglas   skin, and a carved
            fir arrows fletched with turkey feathers   silhouette of a bear
            and tipped with an obsidian point that   paw inlaid with tur-
            Flies knapped himself.            quoise dust lend to
              “It’s not easy to go out and take a   its personality. “Lots
            black bear,” he said. “Putting in the   of work goes into it,
                                                                 Closeup of a Douglas fir arrow and obsidian arrowhead that Flies
            work every year is the biggest part of   from A to Z.”  knapped, with his Arkansas black bear he took Sept. 18, 2023.

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