Page 31 - Interp Book
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Table 5.  Mapped types with more than 50,000 hectares total area in Oklahoma.

 Mapped Type Name   Brief Description              Area (HA)       Percent
 This type includes all cropland where fields are fallow for some portion of the year. Some fields may rotate into and
 Row Crops   out of cultivation frequently, and year-round cover crops and tame hay fields are generally mapped as   2,878,196.6   15.899%
 grassland/pasture types.

 This type is mapped essentially from the southern border to the northern border of Oklahoma, and across the east
 to west extent of the Crosstimbers and transition zone to central Oklahoma.  In the modern landscape, non-native
 and grazing-tolerant species dominant most areas.  Common species include Bermudagrass, field brome, western
 Pasture/Prairie   (Cuman) ragweed, and tall fescue.  More lightly-grazed areas or hay meadows may have species such as little   2,498,205.4   13.800%
 bluestem, silver bluestem, switchgrass, big bluestem, sideoats grama, and yellow Indiangrass.  Woody species
 such as post oak, pecan, blackjack oak, winged elm, eastern redcedar, honeylocust, Osage orange, and common
 persimmon may be components.

 This type circumscribes a variety of grasslands in different conditions across broad gradients in both moisture and
 temperature.  In the modern landscape, non-native and grazing-tolerant species such as field brome,
 Central Mixedgrass:   Bermudagrass, prairie broomweed, cheatgrass, three-awn species, hairy grama, other grama species,   2,162,501.4   11.946%
 Prairie/Pasture   buffalograss, and western ragweed are common.  Species such as little bluestem, silver bluestem, and sideoats
 grama may be more important in less heavily grazed areas, especially to the east within this type.  Woody
 components may include mesquite (south), eastern redcedar, Osage orange, and honeylocust.

 Crosstimbers: Post   This type is mapped on typical woodland soils across a wide swath of central Oklahoma.  Woodland quality and
 Oak - Blackjack Oak   successional state varies within the type.  Common dominants include post oak, blackjack oak, black hickory, black   1,035,809.0   5.722%
 Forest and   oak, winged elm, pecan, and Shumard oak.  Eastern redcedar is a common component.  Understory species may
 Woodland   include coralberry, eastern redbud, rough dogwood, common persimmon, and gum bumelia.

 This type circumscribes a variety of mainly grazed grasslands, but some native hay meadows are also
 represented.  In the modern landscape, non-native and grazing-tolerant species such as Bermudagrass, tall
 Osage Plains:   fescue, field brome, western (Cuman) ragweed, prairie broomweed, and sericea lespedeza are common.  Some
 Tallgrass   areas have native tallgrass elements such as little bluestem, switchgrass, big bluestem, heath aster, and Canada   812,104.1   4.486%
 goldenrod.  Woody elements may include common persimmon, eastern redcedar, sugar hackberry, elm species,
 and honeylocust.

 This common and broadly circumscribed type is mapped on upland flats and moderate slopes.  Common tree
 Ozark-Ouachita: Dry   species include post oak, white oak, black oak, blackjack oak, black hickory, other hickory species, slippery elm,   654,607.8   3.616%
 Oak Woodland
 sugar hackberry, and black walnut.  Shortleaf pine or eastern redcedar may also be components in low density.

 This type is mapped over a broad range of generally medium-textured soils of the High Plains, and grades into
 Central Mixedgrass types to the east.  Grazing-tolerant species such as blue grama, buffalograss, sand dropseed,
 High Plains:   broom snakeweed, soapweed yucca, and Opuntia species are common in the modern landscape.  Mid grasses   637,366.3   3.521%
 Shortgrass Prairie   such as little bluestem, sideoats grama, and silver bluestem are often important.  Other common herbaceous
 species may include plains blackfoot and Rocky Mountain zinnia.  Sand sagebrush, white sagebrush, and
 soapweed yucca are common woody components.

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