Page 38 - Interp Book
P. 38

Mapped Type Name                                                   Brief Description                                                Area (HA)       Percent

                                                               This type is mapped in broken landscapes associated with weathering of sedimentary rocks where patches or
                                                               layers of gyp are common in the landscape.  Small (10 sq m to 200 sq m), open, sparsely vegetated patches or
                                                               layers of gyp on slopes are common. Short and mid-grasses such as sideoats grama, blue grama, hairy grama,
                                                               little bluestem, cane bluestem, sand dropseed, and annual bromes are also common.  Forbs common in the
                                         Canyon: Gyp           modern landscape include broom snakeweed, common broomweed, stiff greenthread, Navajo tea, Indian                 67,378.6      0.372%
                                                               breadroot, stemmy four-nerve daisy, sundrops species, and western ragweed.  Important shrubs may include
                                                               skunkbush sumac, lotebush, mesquite (within range), and Mohr shin oak.  Succulents such as soapweed yucca,
                                                               pricklypear, and Christmas cactus may be present.  Pinchot's juniper, or less commonly, eastern redcedar may be

                                                               This type is mapped on prairie soils across much of the state, and ranges from relatively dense woodlands to more
                                         Ruderal Eastern       open shrublands where eastern redcedar is a significant component.  Common woody components vary by region,
                                         Redcedar Woodland     and may include hackberry species, winged elm, other elm species, green ash, other ash species, honeylocust,      62,994.0      0.348%
                                         and Shrubland
                                                               black locust, western soapberry, lotebush, post oak, and Osage orange.

                                         Crosstimbers: Post    This type is mapped on slopes >20% and composition is similar to Crosstimbers: Post Oak Forest, although these
                                         Oak - Blackjack Oak   stands tend to have more canopy and more often contain older trees.  Common components include post oak,          62,940.2      0.348%
                                         Slope Forest          blackjack oak, black hickory, black oak, green ash, winged elm, redbud, and rough dogwood.
                                                               This type is over or near sandy soils, but not mapped on deep sands.  Components of the High Plains: Sand Prairie
                                         High Plains: Sandy
                                         Deciduous             such as sand sagebrush, soapweed yucca, Chickasaw plum, little bluestem, sand dropseed, sand lovegrass,           59,790.8      0.330%
                                                               sandburs, western ragweed, field brome, cheatgrass, and Bermudagrass are common. However, components
                                                               associated with deep sands such as sand bluestem and giant sandreed are generally lacking.
                                         Pine Plantation - 1 -   This type consists of young pine plantations that were not mature enough to be clearly dominated by pines at the   59,106.0   0.326%
                                         3 meters              time of data collection (circa 2012).
                                         High Plains:          This type is mainly represented by successional shrublands or young woodlands in the modern landscape.
                                         Bottomland            Species such as black willow, Chickasaw plum, winged elm, winged soapberry, plains cottonwood, green ash,         53,997.1      0.298%
                                         Deciduous             honeylocust, Siberian elm, willow species, and elm species may be present.
                                                               This type is mapped over prairies soils of western Oklahoma, and may contain a wide variety of shrubs and
                                                               patches of trees that increase under grazing pressure.  This may is species such as soapweed yucca, sand
                                         Ruderal Plains        sagebrush, white sagebrush, tree cholla, Chickasaw plum, Siberian elm, sugar hackberry, and soapberry.            53,648.6      0.296%
                                                               Herbaceous species common include broom snakeweed, plains broomweed, and short grasses such as grama
                                                               species, sand dropseed, and brome species.

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