Page 19 - Bats of Oklahoma Field Guide
P. 19

Indiana Bat

              (Myotis sodalis)                                                        Federally Endangered

                Wingspan: 9 – 11 inches.

                Total Length: 3 – 4 inches.
                Color: Dark gray to dark brown, dull fur. Ears, wings, and                                     Greg Sievert
                tail membrane are pinkish.

                Over-Wintering Behavior: Hibernates.
                Preferred Daytime Roost: Under loose and peeling bark of
                dead or partially dead trees.
                Evening Flight Time: About 25 minutes after sunset.

                Feeding/Flying Behavior: Forages at tree canopy level and
                over water.
                Pup Development Period: June to late July.

                In Hand: Hairs on toes do not extend past toenails. Has a distinctly keeled calcar.
                Cool Fact: During spring and summer, the Indiana bat eats insects with soft bodies such
                as moths, but after the young are raised, it eats more hard-body insects such as beetles.


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