Page 24 - Bats of Oklahoma Field Guide
P. 24

Pallid Bat

           (Antrozous pallidus)

            Wingspan: 15 – 16 inches.

            Total Length: 3.5 – 5.25 inches.                                                               BCI
            Color: Fur above is pale and yellowish with brown or gray-
            tipped hairs. Almost white below.

            Over-Wintering Behavior: Hibernation unknown in Oklahoma.
            Preferred Daytime Roost: Rock crevices, rock piles
            and buildings.
            Evening Flight Time: Emerges about 45 minutes after sunset.

            Feeding/Flying Behavior: Listens for prey with its large
            ears, and when located, will land on the ground and crawl
            to catch its food.

            Pup Development Period: Early May to late July.
            In Hand: Large ears are almost half as long as the total length of its head and body.

            Cool Fact: The pallid bat can detect the sound of the footsteps of some of their prey,
            including scorpions. It will then land on the ground and crawl to capture its prey.

         2013 Bat Field Guide.indd   24                                                                  3/21/13   2:36 PM
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