Page 25 - Bats of Oklahoma Field Guide
P. 25
Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat
(Corynorhinus rafinesquii)
Wingspan: 10 – 12 inches.
Total Length: 3.25 – 4.25 inches.
Color: Grayish-brown above. Bicolored underneath due to hairs Greg Sievert
with whitish tips and contrasting dark brown to black bases.
Over-Wintering Behavior: Hibernates.
Preferred Daytime Roost: Buildings, under loose bark
and hollow trees.
Evening Flight Time: Late in the evening.
Feeding/Flying Behavior: Flies swiftly and can
almost hover.
Pup Development Period: Late May to mid-July.
In Hand: The large ears are almost an inch in length, with a lump on each side of nose.
Cool Fact: The Rafinesque’s big-eared bat usually has a night roost where it takes large
prey to leisurely consume.
2013 Bat Field Guide.indd 25 3/21/13 2:36 PM