Page 23 - Bats of Oklahoma Field Guide
P. 23

Ozark Big-eared Bat

              (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens)                                       Federally Endangered

                Subspecies of the Townsend's big-eared bat.

                Wingspan: 12 – 13 inches.
                Total Length: 3.5 – 4.5 inches.                                                                Shea Hammond

                Color: Pale brown to nearly black above and paler below.

                Over-Wintering Behavior: Hibernates.
                Preferred Daytime Roost: Limestone caves and sandstone rubble at
                the base of cliffs.
                Evening Flight Time: An hour after sunset.

                Feeding/Flying Behavior: Has a characteristic “head down” appearance
                because its ears extend directly out in front of the head.
                Pup Development Period: Late May to late July.

                In Hand: The large ears are over 1 inch long. There is a lump on each side of the nose.
                Cool Fact: During hibernation, the Western big-eared and Ozark big-eared bats will roll
                up their ears.

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