Page 26 - Bats of Oklahoma Field Guide
P. 26

Seminole Bat

           (Lasiurus seminolus)

            Wingspan: 11 – 13 inches.

            Total Length: 3.5 – 4.5 inches.                                                                BCI
            Color: Deep, dark reddish-mahogany brown; hair tips may be white.

            Over-Wintering Behavior: Migratory, but will go into a state of physical
            inactivity similar to hibernation when in leaf litter.
            Preferred Daytime Roost: In Spanish moss, loose tree bark or clusters of leaves.

            Evening Flight Time: Emerges early in the evening.
            Feeding/Flying Behavior: Feeds over watercourses and clearings and generally
            at treetop level.

            Pup Development Period: June to late July.
            In Hand: Reddish-mahogany hue distinguishes this bat from the reddish-
            orange of the eastern red bat.
            Cool Fact: When the Seminole bat is resting, its furry tail membrane is folded down
            over its belly.


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