Page 19 - Interp Book
P. 19

The decision tree classification approach requires a training data set for each landcover
               class mapped, and we used both field-collected and photo interpreted information.  Air
               photo interpretation used leaf-on photos.  Most photo-interpreted training points were
               generated via (1) generating a random grid of sample sites across the area, (2) zooming
               to those locations at 1:6,000 resolution, and (3) circumscribing visually homogeneous
               vegetation and assigning those points a landcover type.  We checked all ground-
               collected data using air photos and eliminated data points that appeared to fall within
               mixed landcover based on expert judgment.  In most cases, point data were double-
               checked by a second worker using leaf-on photography to ensure that the correct
               landcover type had been assigned to each point.

               The decision tree classification process assigns pixels to landcover classes using the
               statistical relationship between the training data and the satellite imagery and ancillary
               data of a given area.  All decision tree classifications were run using a 30 m spatial
               resolution, which is the native spatial resolution for the Landsat Thematic Mapper
               imagery.  The classification procedure was implemented multiple times, using different
               combinations of data, in an effort to maximize classification accuracy.  Additional points
               were often required when areas of a known landcover type were consistently missed by
               the decision tree process.  In those cases, staff inspected the high resolution aerial
               photography and identified additional sample points of the necessary landcover type.
               This process took advantage of staff ecological expertise and their experience
               identifying the landcover types of Oklahoma.  We generated more than 20 different
               classification results.

               Ecological System (Current Vegetation) Classification and Mapping: Image Object
               Generation, Attribution, and Modeling
               Image Object Generation and Attribution with Landcover. A one hectare minimum
               mapping unit (MMU) was specified for this project.  To ensure that the MMU was
               achieved, a post hoc process was implemented using image objects generated with the
               eCognition Developer software (Figure 3). Image objects were generated from the first
               principle component of a NAIP image county mosaic that had been re-sampled to a 10
               m spatial resolution.  This procedure was run for each county mosaic.  Some counties
               needed to be divided into multiple pieces because they were too large to be processed
               individually.  This process produced a shapefile containing polygons that represented
               homogeneous units (relative to the 10 m PCA result for each county mosaic). The
               image objects were then used to summarize the classification resulting from the
               decision tree classification procedure.  The statistic of interest during the summarization
               process was the mode.  ArcGIS was used to determine the mode for each object.  The
               separate sets of image objects were then imported to a file geodatabase.

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