Page 24 - Interp Book
P. 24

Statewide Vegetation Summary

               Quantitative vegetation plot data were taken from 3,709 georeferenced locations
               statewide.  Plots were distributed by county, with the goal of placing roughly equivalent
               numbers of points in all counties in order to generate a representative statewide sample
               (Figure 6).  Workers stopped at stream crossings along data collection routes, so
               bottomland and riparian samples are more abundant in the data set than on the
               landscape.  In addition, notes were taken from 1,114 georeferenced points during the
               ground-truthing and map improvement process.  Photos were taken at almost all plots,
               and at most points.

               Figure 6. A total of 3,714 georeferenced sample points were distributed by county, with the goal of
               generating a representative sample across the entire state.

               Accuracy of the land cover classification was checked largely using these points, plus
               other ground data collected to help drive the remote sensing classification.  The overall
               User’s Accuracy was 85.0% (Table 3).

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