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Outdoor Oklahoma Journal

This is the Outdoor Oklahoma Journal, where we're all about helping you pursue and engage in Oklahoma's vibrant outdoor lifestyle. Follow us for great hunting and fishing stories, wildlife features, insider information about unique opportunities, and tangible details on how to go out and be a hunter, angler, and conservationist. The outdoors are always open, so don't miss out!

A Status Report on Oklahoma's Bird Populations

This "bird's eye view" of the status of Oklahoma's bird populations reveals the remarkable viewing opportunities and shares ways get involved at any level.

Creatures of the Night

A glimpse of Oklahoma's nocturnal animals.

Holes for Homes: Cavity Nesting Birds

Dozens of Oklahoma bird species are considered "cavity nesting birds" and build their nests in a cavity of a hollowed out tree or in man-made nest boxes.

Wildlife Well Equipped to Survive Winter Weather

The cold temperatures have us thinking about how wildlife survive the winter weather.


A closer look at the survival techniques Oklahoma’s wildlife use to defend against predation.

Tips for Sharing the Hunting Heritage with Kids

Conservation is funded by sportsmen when they buy hunting and fishing licenses and pay federal excise taxes on sporting goods, so an important part of ensuring a future for conservation includes ensuring a future for sportsmen. Share your heritage!