- 2025 Legislative Session
Legislation that is still active in the House:
HB 1588 by Reps. David Hardin, Jared Deck and Arturo Alonso-Sandoval and Sen. Tom Woods. Creating the Spring Creek Watershed Study. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Passed by the House; bill now goes to the Senate and is awaiting committee assignment.
HB 2096 by Rep. Annie Menz and Senator Murdock. Reauthorizes the Wildlife Department’s voluntary tax check off program for the Wildlife Diversity Program. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Passed by the House Wildlife Committee, then passed by the House Oversight Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Bill now goes to the full House for consideration.
HB 2162 by Rep. Mike Dobrinski and Sen. Casey Murdock. Expanding the Terry Peach Watershed Protection program statewide. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Passed by the House Agriculture Committee and the House Oversight Committee: Energy and Natural Resources. Bill now goes to the full House for consideration.
HB 2741 by Rep. Trey Caldwell and Sen. Chuck Hall. Amended to specify nonresidents who own 160 acres or more of noncommercial land may show proof of land ownership and property taxes paid from the previous year to qualify for resident hunting license prices for licenses that would be valid only on land that they own. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Passed by the House Appropriations Committee. Bill now goes to the full House for consideration.
HB 2896 by Rep. John George and Senator Casey Murdock. Allowing nonresident owners of real property, who have owned that property for more than 12 months, to purchase resident lifetime licenses; $3,000 for fishing, $7,500 for a combination hunting and fishing license; $200 for senior citizen lifetime fishing; and $400 for senior citizen lifetime combination. Bill would be effective immediately upon passage. Passed by the House Rules Committee. Bill now goes to the full House for consideration.
Legislation that is still active in the Senate:
SB 208 by Sen. Roland Pederson and Rep. Ty Burns. Requires hunting guides to meet certain criteria and establishes requirements that provide for the protection of private landowners and hunting clients. Directs the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation to promulgate rules for implementation. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Passed by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee.
SB 419 by Sen. Julie Daniels and Rep. Mark Lepak. Authorizing the Department of Wildlife Conservation and Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission to employ or appoint attorneys. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Passed by the Senate. Bill now goes to the House for consideration.
SB 448 by Sen. Warren Hamilton and Representative Jim Grego. Stating that the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission shall require nonresidents to schedule with the Department of Wildlife Conservation in order to receive written authorization to use Wildlife Management Areas. The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission shall create a lottery system as needed for the distribution of permits authorizing nonresidents to hunt, kill, or trap wildlife from such Wildlife Management Areas. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Passed by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee. Bill now goes to the full Senate for consideration.
SB 478 by Sen. Dusty Deevers and Rep. Rick West. Allows for the removal of feral swine at night without the need for a permit and adjusts certain responsibilities for the oversight of feral swine and nuisance animal culling from the Dept. of Wildlife Conservation to the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Title struck and passed by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee. Bill now goes to the full Senate for consideration.
SB 447 by Sen. Mary Boren and Rep. Danny Sterling. Allows foraging of nuts, berries and edible plants on state-owned or managed properties, for personal use only. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Title struck and passed by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee. Bill now goes to the full Senate for consideration.
SB 561 by Sen. Shane Jett, Sen. David Bullard and Rep. Rick West. Would exempt people from having to have a noncommercial wildlife breeder’s license for breeding or raising quail for personal consumption or noncommercial purposes, which may include for hobby, educational or scientific purposes, or for release on private property. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Passed by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee. Bill now goes to the full Senate for consideration.
SB 753 by Sen. Dusty Deevers and Rep. Rick West. Requiring lessees of state land to remove a percentage of the invasive woody species within a set period of time, upon renewal of their lease or with the origination of a new lease. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Pre-filed Senate bill. Title struck and passed by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee. Bill now goes to the full Senate for consideration.
Senate Bill 777 by Senator Jett and Rep. Rick West. Allowing licensed producers to collect limited broodstock of certain game fish and nongame fish from public waters for use in enclosed, recirculating aquaculture systems. Also adds hybrid striped bass to the list of fish classified as game fish. Provides provisions for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation to establish rules related to certain species. Passed the Senate Wildlife and Agriculture Committee. Title stricken and now goes to the full Senate for consideration.
SB 940 by Sen. Darcy Jech and Rep. Mike Dobrinski. Directs state agency property to owners to compile and submit reports on invasive woody species. Bill would be effective immediately upon passage. Passed by the Senate. Bill now goes to the House for consideration. Awaiting assignment to a House Committee.
SB 1073 by Sen. Casey Murdock and Rep. Carl Newton. Providing that the Wildlife Conservation shall use a lottery system for mountain lion hunting, should the Wildlife Commission authorize a season on mountain lions. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Passed by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee. Bill now goes to the full Senate for consideration.
SB 1074 by Sen. Casey Murdock and Sen. Spencer Kern, and Reps. Judd Strom and Chris Kannady. Provides that all big game commercial hunt areas be licensed by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture instead of the Department of Wildlife. Bill would be effective immediately upon passage. Passed by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee. Bill now goes to the full Senate for consideration.
SB 1077 by Sen. Casey Murdock and Sen. Spencer Kern and Reps. Judd Strom and Chris Kannady. Allows hunters to transport into the state any intact, dead cervidae if they are going to a taxidermist in good standing with the Secretary of State. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Title struck and passed by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee. Bill now goes to the full Senate for consideration.
Dormant Legislation:
HB 1140 by Rep. Andy Fugate. Authorizing lifetime hunting and fishing license holders to obtain a driver’s license that displays the designation of this; creates procedures and an application process and provides for interagency cooperation to validate applicant’s lifetime license status. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Appropriation Committee. Bill is now dormant.
HB 1158 by Rep. Rusty Cornwell. Shell bill relating to fish and wildlife. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is now dormant.
HB 1186 by Rep. Rick West. Requires nonresidents to purchase a special habitat stamp to hunt or fish on Wildlife Management Areas. Exempts nonresident active-duty military personnel stationed at military installations located in the state and nonresident veterans. Sets the fee for the habitat stamp at $85 and provides for a temporary license. Creates a revolving fund whereby stamp revenue shall be exclusively used on Wildlife Management Area maintenance and improvements. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to House Wildlife, then House Oversight: Energy and Natural Resources Committees. Bill is now dormant.
HB 1196 by Rep. Rick West. Shell bill relating to fish and wildlife. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is now dormant.
HB 1290 by Rep. Neil Hays. Limits ownership of land in counties by state agencies and the federal government (including conservation easements) to no more than 10 percent. Exempts federal military bases and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flood control lakes and property. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is now dormant.
HB 1323 by Rep. Justin Humphrey. Providing for an in-stream flow study of the Kiamichi River. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is now dormant.
HB 1328 by Rep. Justin Humphrey. Providing for a 20 percent salary increase for all game wardens employed by ODWC for more then six months, effective July 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is now dormant.
HB 1382 by Rep. Eddy Dempsey. Transfers the oversight of big game commercial hunt areas from the Department of Wildlife Conservation to the Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Agriculture Committee. Bill is now dormant.
HB 1383 by Rep. Eddy Dempsey. Prohibits nonresidents from hunting on public land Friday through Sunday on all public lands south of I-40 and east of I-35. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to House Wildlife and House Oversight: Energy and Natural Resources Committees. Bill is now dormant.
HB 1446 by Rep. Brad Boles. Shell bill relating to fish and wildlife. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is now dormant.
HB 1668 by Rep. Josh Cantrell. Providing that commercial hunt areas may obtain licensure from either the Wildlife Department or Department of Agriculture. Bill would be effective immediately upon passage. Passed by the House Wildlife Committee. Now goes to the House Oversight on Energy and Natural Resources. Referred to House Agriculture Committee and House Oversight: Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
HB 1768 by Rep. Anthony Moore. Requiring the Wildlife Conservation Commission to include modern, non-muzzleloading handguns chambered in .38 special +P caliber or larger as a legal means of take for the muzzleloader season. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is dormant.
HB 1770 by Rep. Anthony Moore. Provides that the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine shall establish a plan and outline for a comprehensive study of the elk population within the Special Northwest Zone; providing that the College of Veterinary Medicine to create a management plan and allowing them to include other state or federal agencies; providing for requests to temporarily suspend or restrict elk hunt in the Special NW Zone. Bill would be effective immediately upon passage. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is dormant.
HB 1827 by Rep. Newton. Shell bill relating to fish and wildlife. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is dormant.
HB 2028 by Rep. Archer and Sen. Grant Green. Providing for a sales tax exemption on gun safes, firearms ammunition, and firearms and firearms optics. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to House Appropriations Subcommittee: Public Safety. Bill is dormant.
HB 2045 by Rep. Archer. Recodifying the CWD Genetic Improvement Act from 2 O.S., section 6-520 to 29 O.S., section 1101. Recodification would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is dormant.
HB 2450 by Speaker Hilbert. Shell bills relating to fish and wildlife. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is dormant.
HB 2452 by Speaker Hilbert. Shell bills relating to fish and wildlife. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is dormant.
HB 2454 by Speaker Hilbert. Shell bills relating to fish and wildlife. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is dormant.
HB 2618 by Speaker Hilbert. Shell bills relating to public lands. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is dormant.
HB 2620 by Speaker Hilbert. Shell bills relating to public lands. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is dormant.
HB 2843 by Rep. Ty Burns. Shell bill relating to fish and wildlife. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Referred to the House Rules Committee. Bill is now dormant.
SB 238 by Sen Casey Murdock. Provides for a state sales tax exemption on firearms ammunition. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Pre-filed Senate. Assigned to the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee and then Senate Appropriations Committee.
SB 255 by Sen Avery Frix. Provides for a state sales tax credit on feral hog removal equipment. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Pre-filed Senate. Assigned to the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee and then Senate Appropriations Committee. Bill is dormant.
SB 280 by Sen. Tom Woods. Directs the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry shall, through collaboration with the Department of Wildlife Conservation and the Oklahoma Conservation Commission, implement a program or programs for the distribution of resources to assist with the capture or deterrence of feral swine populations affecting Oklahoma landowners or land lessors. Awaiting assignment to a Senate Committee. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Passed by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee; now goes to the Senate Appropriations Committee. Bill is now dormant.
SB 330 by Sen. Casey Murdock. Directing the Oklahoma State University Veterinary Medicine Authority to conduct research and create an elk management plan for the Special NW Elk Zone. Appropriating $2 million to conduct the study and create the plan. Bill would be effective immediately upon passage. Pre-filed Senate. Assigned to the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee and then Senate Appropriations Committee. Bill is dormant.
SB 338 by Sen. Grant Green. Mandates a one buck limit in Oklahoma except in commercial hunt areas. Bill would be effective Nov. 1, 2025. Pre-filed Senate bill. Assigned to the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee. Bill is dormant.
SB 720 by Sen. Spencer Kern. Setting a maximum bag limit of 7 quail per day. Exempting commercial hunt areas from the limit. Setting an effective date of Nov. 1, 2025. Pre-filed Senate bill. Assigned to the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee. Bill is dormant.
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