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Outdoor Oklahoma Journal

This is the Outdoor Oklahoma Journal, where we're all about helping you pursue and engage in Oklahoma's vibrant outdoor lifestyle. Follow us for great hunting and fishing stories, wildlife features, insider information about unique opportunities, and tangible details on how to go out and be a hunter, angler, and conservationist. The outdoors are always open, so don't miss out!

“Will You Walk into My Parlour?”

Spider enthusiasts share tips for living – or at least existing – with eight-legged visitors to our homes and spaces.

Wild Double Take: Alligator Snapping and Common Snapping Turtles

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike turtles, the alligator snapping and common snapping turtles.

Striped & Hybrid Striped Bass Angler Guide: Top Tips & Area Highlights

Fishing tips and top public destinations for striped and hybrid striped bass fishing in Oklahoma.

Sunfish Angler Guide: Top Tips & Area Highlights

Oklahoma's robust array of sunfish species makes for lots of catching statewide.

Wild Double Take: Woodhouse's and American Toads

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike toads, the Woodhouse's and American Toads.

Turtle Trivia

Shell-ebrate Oklahoma’s turtles with these five turtle truths.

Tips for Moving Turtles From Roadways

Oklahoma's roads can be a dangerous place for wildlife, especially deliberate but slow-moving turtles. As you motor across the state this spring, consider lending these fellow travelers a hand with these three tips.

The Business of Conservation

A behind-the-scenes look at how conservation funding is used to turn wild ideas into even wilder success stories.

Small Butterfly Gets Big Status Update

A team organized by the Oklahoma Biological Survey tracked down the handful of frosted elfin butterfly records for the state and made it their mission to increase the number of known locations for the species.

Study Focused on Panhandle Black Bears Gets Big Picture Results

Camera traps and hair snares give landowners and biologists answers about status and origin of Panhandle black bears.