What Are Controlled Hunts?
Controlled hunts are offered for deer, elk, antelope, and turkey. They are held in areas where unrestricted public hunting would pose safety concerns or where overharvest might occur.
Hunters wishing to go on one of these controlled hunts must submit an application, which goes into the running with all other applications for that hunt. Hunters are selected through a random drawing.
Applicants must apply online at: GoOutdoorsOklahoma.com.

Controlled Hunts Menu
What's The Cost?
A $10 application fee allows multiple applications in controlled hunt categories (elk, pronghorn, deer, spring turkey) and includes the option to select Preference Point Only.
PointGuard insurance is available for an additional $10 for residents or $50 for nonresidents. Applicants may also add extra hunt choices beyond the standard limit for $3 each.
If drawn, additional license and user fees may apply.
How To Increase Your Odds
You can increase your chances by first doing some research. Start by studying the data from the most recent controlled hunts drawing cycle.
Additionally, this article is designed to give controlled hunt applicants some insights into how the program works, perhaps giving you an edge to having your name drawn.
The Application Process
Everything you need to know before submitting your application.
ODWC's step-by-step guide for the application process.
What to expect after finishing your application.
Looking for your Controlled Hunt Documents?
Successful applicants will receive notification by e-mail. Select "Controlled Hunt Applications & Awards" to see your documents.
You can also access your documents from the Go Outdoors OK app by selecting "Purchase License" and then selecting "Controlled Hunt Applications & Awards".
Controlled Hunts Explained
Results from 2023 Controlled Hunts
- Elk
Harvest Area # Permits & Type # Hunters Antlered Antlerless Cookson WMA 1 Either-sex 1 1 Wichita Mts. NWR 40 Bull Only 39 32 Wichita Mts. NWR 70 Cow Only 54 24 Wichita Mts. NWR (Walk-in only) 40 Either-sex 38 31 Wichita Mts. NWR (Walk-in only) 240 Cow Only 205 120 - Antelope
Harvest Area # Permits & Type # Hunters Antlered Antlerless Cimarron Co. 10 Either-Sex 10 10 0 Cimarron Co. 35 Doe Only 25 0 11 Texas Co. 5 Either-Sex 5 4 0 Texas Co. 15 Doe Only 10 0 3 - Deer
Harvest (A - Archery; M - Muzzleloader; G - Gun) Area # Permits & Type # Hunters Antlered Antlerless G Atoka WMA 40 Either-Sex 35 2 1 M Beaver River WMA- McFarland Unit 10 Either-Sex 8 0 0 G Beaver River WMA- McFarland Unit 5 Either-Sex 4 2 0 G Beaver River WMA 15 Either-Sex 12 3 0 M Candy Creek WMA 12 Either-Sex 9 1 1 G Candy Creek WMA 12 Either-Sex 10 1 1 G Canton WMA 75 Either-Sex 56 8 2 G Cherokee GMA 120 Either-Sex 95 21 7 M Cookson WMA 12 Either-Sex, 46 Antlerless 31 3 G Cookson WMA 12 Either-Sex, 36 Antlerless 28 5 3 G Cross Timbers WMA M Deep Fork NWR 50 (2) Only 1 Antlered 50 1 8 A Deep Fork NWR 300 (2) Only 1 Antlered 300 21 15 M Four Canyon Preserve 2 (2) Either-Sex, 4 Antlerless Only 0 0 0 G Four Canyon Preserve 2 (2) Either-Sex, 4 Antlerless Only 2 1 1 A Ft. Gibson WRP 50 (2) Only 1 Antlered 40 0 5 M Ft. Gibson WRP 125 Antlerless, 25 Either-Sex 105 6 15 M Grady County 10 Either-Sex 6 0 0 G Grady County 10 Either-Sex 9 2 1 G Hugo WMA (Lyndol Fry) 10 Either-Sex 5 0 0 G Lexington WMA 540 (2) 1st Antlerless, 2nd E-S 339 6 35 G Little River NWR 60 Either-Sex 60 13 2 A McAlester AAP * 1445 (2) Only 1 Antlered 1341 109 92 M McCurtain Co. W.A. 16 Either-Sex 14 4 0 M McGee Creek WMA 50 Either-Sex 29 5 0 G McGee Creek WMA 50 Either-Sex 27 1 2 M Neosho WMA 6 Either-Sex 5 1 0 G Oka'Yanahli Preserve 14 (2) Antlerless Only 6 4 G Okmulgee GMA 30 (2) Only 1 Antlered 20 4 1 M Osage/Western Wall 10 (1) Either-sex 8 2 G Pontotoc Ridge Preserve 16 (2) Antlerless Only 10 8 M Pushmataha WMA 50 Either-Sex 35 2 1 A Salt Plains NWR 35 (2) Only 1 Antlered 25 3 2 M Salt Plains NWR 35 (2) 1st Antlerless, 2nd E-S 30 1 8 G Salt Plains NWR 70 (2) 1st Antlerless, 2nd E-S, 6 Only One Antlered 63 21 41 M Sans Bois WMA 15 Either-Sex 10 2 0 G Sans Bois WMA 15 Either-Sex 11 2 1 A Sequoyah NWR 30 (2) Only 1 Antlered 27 4 7 M Sequoyah NWR 90 (2) Antlerless Only 73 1 11 A Sequoyah NWR (Refuge Island) 4 (2) Only 1 Antlered 0 0 0 A Sequoyah Resort Park 16 (2) 1 E-S, 1 Antlerless 12 4 4 G Spavinaw GMA 20 Either-Sex, 30 Antlerless 28 2 5 G Tishomingo NWR 20 (2) 1st Antlerless/2nd Either-Sex 16 5 9 G Washita NWR 5 Antlerless Only 4 0 4 G Wichita Mts. NWR 20 Antlered, 40 Antlerless 39 6 11 A Great Salt Plains SP 20 (2) Only 1 Antlered 13 1 3 G Texoma COE (Burns Run) 6 Doe Only 5 0 5 A Tishomingo NWR 30 (2) Only 1 Antlered 16 1 1 - Motor Vehicle or Non-Ambulatory Permit Deer
Harvest (M - Muzzleloader; G - Gun) Area # Permits & Type # Hunters Antlered Antlerless G Cherokee GMA 40 Either-Sex 22 1 0 G Cookson WMA 12 Either-Sex 11 1 G Copan COE Parks 5 (2) 1st antlerless, 2nd E-S 3 1 4 M Deep Fork NWR 5 (2) Only 1 Antlered 5 2 1 M Ft. Gibson WRP 10 (2) Only 1 Antlered 6 0 1 G Oologah Lake COE 8 (2) Only 1 Antlered 8 7 9 M Salt Plains NWR 2 (2) Antlerless/Either-Sex 2 1 2 G Salt Plains NWR 4 (2) Antlerless/Either-Sex 3 1 2 A Sequoyah NWR 2 (2) Only 1 Antlered 0 0 0 M Sequoyah NWR 2 Antlerless Only 0 0 0 M Sequoyah Resort Park 12 (2) Antlerless/Either-Sex 10 4 3 G Tishomingo NWR 10 (2) 1st Antlerless, 2nd E-S 8 6 7 - Youth Deer
Harvest M - Muzzleloader; G - Gun Area # Permits & Type # Hunters Antlered Antlerless G Arbuckle Springs WMA 15 (2) 1st Antlerless, 2nd E-S 12 1 3 G Beaver River WMA- McFarland Unit 15 Either-Sex 13 3 0 M Camp Gruber Cantonment 40 (2) 1st Antlerless, 2nd E-S 31 4 13 G Cherokee GMA 50 Either-Sex 38 11 2 G Canton WRP 4 (2) Only 1 Antlered 4 3 3 G Cookson WMA 30 Either-Sex 22 5 1 G Crosstimbers WMA 30 Antlerless Only 6 1 M Deep Fork NWR 25 (2) Only 1 Antlered 25 3 3 G Eufaula Lake COE 5 Either-Sex 5 3 1 M Ft. Cobb WMA and SP 40 Antlerless Only 12 0 9 M Ft. Gibson WRP 20 (2) Only 1 Antlered 19 3 4 G Heyburn COE 2 (2) Only 1 Antlered 1 0 1 G Kaw Lake COE 6 (2) Antlerless/Either-Sex 4 3 4 G Hugo WMA 30 Either-Sex 23 8 5 G Hugo Lake COE 10 Either-Sex, 10 (2) Only 1 antlered 18 3 10 G James Collins WMA 80 Either-Sex 65 16 10 G Keystone COE 8 (2) Only 1 Antlered 8 3 8 M Keystone SP G Little River NWR 15 (2) Antlerless/Either-Sex 15 3 3 G McAlester AAP * 25 Antlerless 20 0 12 M Neosho WMA 6 Either-Sex 1 0 0 G Neosho WMA 6 Either-Sex 3 0 1 G Okmulgee GMA 40 (2) Only 1 Antlered 27 3 5 G Pine Creek WMA 25 Either-Sex 18 4 2 G Pushmataha WMA 70 Either-Sex 57 6 6 G Salt Plains NWR 25 (2) 1st Antlerless, 2nd E-S 23 4 15 M Sequoyah NWR 30 (2) Only 1 Antlered 22 3 5 M Sequoyah Resort Park 12 (2) 1st Antlerless, 2nd E-S 10 6 5 G Skiatook COE 4 (2) Only 1 Antlered 4 3 4 M Spavinaw WMA 40 Either-Sex 11 1 0 G Spavinaw WMA 40 Either-Sex 35 6 7 G Tenkiller COE 10 (2) Only 1 Antlered 10 3 7 G Texoma COE 12 (2) Only 1 Antlered 12 7 5 G Tishomingo NWR 20 (2) 1st Antlerless, 2nd E-S 14 4 11 G USDA Grazinglands 20 (2) Antlerless Only 19 5 15 G USDA Grazinglands 10 (2) 1st Antlerless/E-S 9 2 7 G Washita NWR 20 Antlerless Only 16 14 G Waurika Lake COE 5 Antlerless Only 4 0 2 - Spring Turkey
Area # Permits & Type # Hunters Tom Cross Timbers WMA 20 - 1 Tom 7 1 Deep Fork NWR 10 - 1 Tom 10 3 Four Canyon Preserve 4 - 1 Tom 2 1 Little River NWR 20 - 1 Tom 20 1 McAlester AAP 40 - 1 Tom 77 14 McCurtain Co. WA 16 - 1 Tom 7 2 Tishomingo NWR 3 - 1 Tom 2 2 - Youth Spring Turkey
Area # Permits & Type # Hunters Tom Deep Fork NWR 10 - 1 Tom 10 0 Hugo COE (Kiamichi Park) 4 - 1 Tom 4 1 James Collins 10 - 1 Tom 5 0 Little River NWR 5 - 1 Tom 5 0 Salt Plains NWR 2 - 1 Tom 1 0 Washita NWR Youth Exemption 2 - 1 Tom 2 1 Wichita Mtn NWR (Walk-In Only) 1 - 1 Tom 0 0
* Hunter numbers and deer harvest shown represent combined results for state controlled hunts and McAAP federal base drawn hunters. Total harvest shown to accurately reflect percent success rates.