Common Questions
Is there an age limit? Who can take the online course?
Students under the age of 10 may attend a hunter education class, but will not be allowed to take the test or get a card. The online course is only available to Oklahoma residents 10 years or older.
What is Hunter Education?
Hunter education covers a variety of topics including firearms safety, wildlife identification, wildlife conservation and management, survival, archery, muzzleloading, and hunter responsibility. It is available online, a 4-hour home study, or an 8-hour traditional course.
Why Hunter Education?
Over the past 40 years, hunting-related accidents and fatalities have declined by more than 70 percent in Oklahoma. Mandatory hunter education courses have not only reduced accidents within Oklahoma but also in every state and Canadian province with similar programs.
What is the First Step?
Before receiving your hunter education number and card, you will be prompted to enter a Customer ID. If you have been a customer of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation in the past, you may obtain your Customer ID by locating your account in the Wildlife Department's Go Outdoors online licensing system at New users can create an account to obtain their Customer ID. We recommend you do this now, before proceeding with the NRA course. This will ensure your hunter education certification is added to your license account.

You will be directed to the NRA learning portal, where you will select the Oklahoma Hunter Safety Course. You will be prompted to set up an account. After you are registered go to the NRA Hunter Education course.
Questions about Hunter Ed?