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Outdoor Oklahoma Journal

This is the Outdoor Oklahoma Journal, where we're all about helping you pursue and engage in Oklahoma's vibrant outdoor lifestyle. Follow us for great hunting and fishing stories, wildlife features, insider information about unique opportunities, and tangible details on how to go out and be a hunter, angler, and conservationist. The outdoors are always open, so don't miss out!

Four Tips for Better Dove Hunting

These four steps will help you prepare for a successful dove hunt.

Long-billed Curlews Make Long-distance Flights through Oklahoma

North Dakota study tracks migration of long-billed curlews, a species of greatest conservation need, through Oklahoma. 

Splash a Cast

Hit a clear water creek or Close to Home pond this summer to bone up that cast for trout season. Unlike our salmonoid friends, bass and sunfish can take a little splash in your cast.

For the Love of the Catch

Fish of all sizes, ornamentation, and colors float one Oklahoma angler’s boat.

Locust Trees: A Thorny Problem for Some Landowners

Considerations for managing honey locust on private lands.

Options for Leaky Ponds

Considerations for repairing leaky ponds.

Trapping and the Oklahoma Fur Trade: Then and Now

A look at Oklahoma's trapping history.

Where Have All the Birds Gone?

A look at how habitat changes can impact populations of birds.

The Quest for an Uncommon Butterfly

A survey team searched the tallgrass prairie for a butterfly known as a regal fritillary.

Invasion of the Limpkin

A curious bird, the limpkin, has made a handful of curious appearances in the state.