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Mountain Lion Sighting Report Form

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation takes mountain lion sightings seriously. ODWC is building a database of sightings of mountain lions. 
ODWC requires evidence to confirm a sighting.
If you have evidence in the form of tracks, photos, video, or a kill you will be contacted by an ODWC employee.

Please describe the approximate location where you first saw the animal. (Road Intersection, GPS-Lat.-Long., etc.)

Describe what the animal looked like.

One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
If you have a picture of the animal, please upload from your computer or device.

What evidence did you see? Select all that apply.

Please describe your activity while observing.

Please provide distance from the observer in yards.  3 ft = 1 yard

Observer Contact Info