Computer terminals also are available at most local libraries and the four ODWC installations listed below.
ODWC Headquarters
1801 N Lincoln Blvd
Oklahoma City
(405) 521-3851
Jenks Office
Oklahoma Aquarium
(918) 299-2334
Porter Office
North of Muskogee Turnpike on U.S. 60
(918) 683-1031
Lawton Office
West of Interstate 44 on State Highway 49
(Manning State Fish Hatchery)
(580) 529-2795
- Please make sure you have the following information for ALL applicants so you can complete your application accurately.
- A. Social Security number and driver’s license number (DL not required for youths)
- Date of birth
- Hunting license number (if exempt, type "exempt" in hunting license number box)
- Name and address
- To submit applications in multiple categories, complete the application process for one category. After printing your confirmation page for the first category, select the link to submit another application. You will be taken back to the first screen to select which category you want to apply in. As long as you submit all applications during the same session, you will not be prompted to re-enter your name, address, hunting license number, etc.; this information will be retained until you close the browser window.
- After submitting your application, print your confirmation page so you have a record of the hunts you applied for. If you applied as a group, the confirmation will list all group members entered on that application. If you discover any discrepancies, contact ODWC immediately for assistance at (405) 521-3852.