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Backyard Bird Habitat

With just a few minor tweaks to your gardening plans throughout the year, you can cultivate a welcoming winter backyard bird habitat.

Wintering Birds

When autumn finally releases its hold on winter, Oklahomans have to say goodbye to such things as fall colors and warm weather bird species, including purple martins, scissor-tailed flycatchers, and other avian summer residents. But winter is a time for greetings, and with the brisk north winds comes wintering birds.

Wild Double Take: Great and Snowy Egrets

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike waterbirds, the great and snowy egrets.

Wild Double Take: Bald and Golden Eagles

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike raptors, bald and golden eagles.

Bird Feeding Tips

We share tips for maintaining a bird feeding station.

Endangered Whooping Cranes to Move through Oklahoma

Whooping cranes to make 2,500-mile migration with stops in Oklahoma.

Biologist Hauls in Remarkable Woodpecker Sightings

Four species of woodpecker were detected within an Oklahoma Breeding Bird Atlas survey block near the community of Vinson. The survey was completed as part of the state's second atlas effort.

Biologist Gets Up with the Birds to Track Status & Trends

The longstanding Breeding Bird Survey gives insights into Oklahoma’s avian populations. We tagged along with a biologist to count birds in southeastern OK.

Test Your Bird-watching Wings on Raptors

Peering at raptors, or birds of prey, through binoculars may feel hawkward at first, but you'll have a hoot in no time!

Of Books and Birds

Libraries can serve as gateways to the natural world, especially when librarians bring their love of books and birds.