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Wild Double Take: Bald and Golden Eagles

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike raptors, bald and golden eagles.

Wild Double Takes: Eastern and Western Meadowlarks

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike birds, the eastern and western meadowlarks.

Wild Double Take: Cooper’s and Sharp-shinned Hawks

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike raptors, the Cooper’s and sharp-shinned hawks.

Wild Double Take: Swift and Gray Foxes

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike foxes, the swift and gray foxes.

Wild Double Take: Buffalofish and Carp

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike fish, buffalofish and carp

Wild Double Take: American and Painted Ladies

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike butterflies, the American and painted ladies.

Wild Double Take: Watersnakes and Northern Cottonmouth

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike snakes, watersnakes and the northern cottonmouth.

Wild Double Take: Blue Grosbeak and Indigo Bunting

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike songbirds, the blue grosbeak and indigo bunting.

Wild Double Take: Three-toed and Plains Box Turtles

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alikes, the three-toed and plains box turtles.

Wild Double Take: Whooping Crane and American White Pelican

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike birds, the whooping crane and American white pelican.