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Outdoor Journal - All Search

Below are all the recent Outdoor Oklahoma Journals along with a search option to find a journal related to your subject of interest.

Bermudagrass: A Not-So-Wildlife-Friendly Grass

Biologists share considerations for converting bermudagrass-dominated fields into quail-friendly habitat.

Migrating Whooping Cranes Expected to Make Spring Stops

Endangered whooping cranes will soon be migrating through Oklahoma to Canadian nesting grounds.

Survey Says: Private Landowners Benefit Oklahoma’s Wildlife

Oklahoma’s most influential habitat managers, private landowners, share their views.

Prepping for 74-Day Duck Season Takes Half a Year

Wetland Manager's Busiest Months Are During Duck Hunters Off-Season

Turkey Hunting Rules Change as Research Examines Slump

2022 Spring Turkey Season Marked by New Dates, Bag Limits for Hunters

Renewal Emerges Like Phoenix After Flames

Biologists use prescribed fire to improve habitat for the federally endangered red-cockaded woodpecker.

Attracting Amphibians and Reptiles to Your Wildscape

We share tips for managing amphibians and reptiles in a variety of settings.

Birdbath Tips

Water is an important part of any wildscaping plan.

Muzzleloader Homecoming

Muzzleloader season provides an early opportunity for whitetail deer hunters. Before the rest of deer gun season opens in Oklahoma muzzleloader hunters take to the woods.

The Metamorphosis of a Naturalist

In 2020, amid the windstorm of trending hobbies, one snake fan metamorphosed into a naturalist.