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Outdoor Journal - All Search

Below are all the recent Outdoor Oklahoma Journals along with a search option to find a journal related to your subject of interest.

Creating a Wildscape Plan

Design a plan that is compatible with the needs of the wildlife you hope to attract as well as of your home and property.

What Exactly Is Edge Habitat and Why Is It Important

Though the definition of edge requires qualifiers, the concept of edge and the practice of edge management remains important for wildlife habitat management in its entirety.

Hybrid Striped Bass for your Farm Pond

Considerations for stocking hybrid striped bass in your pond.

Leading Fish and Wildlife Law Marks Fifty Years

The Endangered Species Act of 1973 was created to protect and recover imperiled species and their ecosystems.

2023 Landowner Conservationist of the Year goes to the Bergen Ranch

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation honors Oklahoma rancher Susan Bergen as its 2023 Landowner Conservationist of the Year.

Establishing Eastern Cottonwoods

Landowners and agencies have attempted to reestablish eastern cottonwood in Oklahoma with some success. We share tips from the National Wild Turkey Federation.

Wildlife Food for Thought: Western Soapberry

The greatest value of the soapberry tree is for wildlife cover. Dense soapberry groves can define a woodland, fencerow, or creek, and this cover is readily used by deer, wild turkey, and many other species as they travel, rest, or escape predators.

Lexington WMA "Open House"

You and your family are invited to learn about squirrel hunting and public land hunting while spending time at the gun range! This free event is hosted by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.

Conservation Highlights from 2023

Read about your Wildlife Department’s most recent conservation efforts and find out how ODWC is keeping Oklahoma’s conservation legacy alive and well.

Wild Double Takes: Eastern and Western Meadowlarks

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike birds, the eastern and western meadowlarks.