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Outdoor Journal - All Search

Below are all the recent Outdoor Oklahoma Journals along with a search option to find a journal related to your subject of interest.

The Burning Question: How are reptiles and amphibians affected by prescribed fire?

We check in with a wildlife biologist to find out how reptiles and amphibians are affected by prescribed fire. The answer: Biologists and researchers alike maintain prescribed fire is an important habitat management activity for these creatures, just as it is for birds, mammals, and invertebrates.

Wildlife Well Equipped to Survive Winter Weather

The cold temperatures have us thinking about how wildlife survive the winter weather.


A closer look at the survival techniques Oklahoma’s wildlife use to defend against predation.

Frogs and Toads Across Oklahoma

We dive into the lives of Oklahoma’s frogs and toads.

A Closer Look at Prescribed Grazing

We dive into a popular wildlife management tool and show how to determine stocking rates on your property.

Escape Ramps Benefit Livestock and Wildlife

Escape ramps are a simple, low-cost solution that can help reduce the risk of wildlife drownings in stock tanks.