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Renewal Emerges Like Phoenix After Flames

Biologists use prescribed fire to improve habitat for the federally endangered red-cockaded woodpecker.

Attracting Amphibians and Reptiles to Your Wildscape

We share tips for managing amphibians and reptiles in a variety of settings.

Birdbath Tips

Water is an important part of any wildscaping plan.

Partnerships Help Build Habitat in Southeastern Oklahoma

Brian Price and Mark Jenison are relatively new Oklahoma landowners who have banded together to build habitat and make an impact on wildlife beyond their fence lines.

Building Monarch Habitat Takes a Village

Landowners, conservation agencies, and researchers partner to monitor monarch habitat conservation outcomes.

Keeping up with Kudzu

Tip for Managing the “Foot-a-Night” Vine

Wildlife Food for Thought: Ragweed

Some ragweed species are highly important and prized wildlife foods that deserve a second thought before any mowing or spraying regimen is employed for their control.

Lopping Redcedars for Wildlife Habitat

Lopping young redcedars below the lowest growing branch is one way to rid your wildscape of a native but encroaching tree.

The Value of a Photographs

Tips for establishing photo points to monitor changes in habitat.

Oklahoma Bats

Whether flying low over the ground with gracefully slow and deliberate wing strokes or erratically high above a stream, bats are fascinating to watch.