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Attention Hunters

Please check your county for burn bans before going afield. 

Check Burn Bans

In Oklahoma, mule deer habitat consists of open native mixed-grass or shortgrass prairie, with a good mix of shrub cover and forbs. Mule deer tend to avoid trees in the northwestern part of the state and panhandle, but have adapted to the shinnery oak region in western Oklahoma. This is also the preferred habitat of a suite of other species, including northern bobwhite and lesser prairie-chicken. 


A view of open native mixed-grass or shortgrass prairie.
Kyle Johnson
An example of mule deer habitat.


Mule deer browse consists of sumac species, including fragrant sumac in the panhandle. They also like sand plum, sand shinnery oak, and sometimes sand sagebrush. In the spring and summer, forbs are very important to the mule deer diet. These include ragweed and crotons. Grasses are a minor portion of their diet but are used for loafing cover, along with shrubs. 

Agricultural crops like winter wheat and rye are also important and seem to improve body condition during the winter. 

Distribution of water is important to mule deer. The proximity of surface water and livestock water is important. There are good signs that mule deer can be enticed into an area and held based on this distribution of livestock water and surface water.  

Interestingly, mule deer tend to avoid grain-type feeders. 

Habitat management includes fire. This fire, whether wild or prescribed, often results in increased forage palatability, quality, and quantity. Fire also stimulates growth of preferred browse species and keeps out woody encroachment, like the invasive, flammable water hog Eastern redcedar. 

Proper grazing is also impactful. It is important to leave 50% or more grass cover to have escape cover, and to provide other species nesting cover in the spring. It is also important to leave a minimum of 30% shrub cover for browse and cover. 

Removing windmills and converting to solar wells for livestock is another good management tool. This grass and shrub cover along with conversion to solar wells is needed for a suite of species that include northern bobwhite and lesser prairie-chicken.  

The popularity of hunting Oklahoma mule deer has grown and ongoing research is focusing on the herd's health that includes netting and electronically tagging does and collecting biological samples. The data collected will help the Wildlife Department see their habitat use and factors determining their distribution and abundance to ensure proper management. 



The ongoing research of mule deer in Oklahoma is funded by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through Wildlife Restoration Program grant F23AF01689, with matching resources provided by Oklahoma State University.

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