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Textbook Upland Prairie Habitat for Deer, Quail and More

Upland prairie habitat is something land managers and biologists speak about quite a bit because of the importance of these habitats for wildlife. Upland prairies should contain a good mix of native grasses and flowering plants along with native shrubs and legumes.

How to Know if Your Pasture or Range is Overgrazed

A key point to understanding overgrazing is that it’s not a problem of overstocking – a function of number of head per acre – but a function of time. When a plant is not given adequate time between grazing events to rest and regrow, overgrazing can occur. Overstocking can lead to overutilization of forage, leading to overgrazing.

Prescribed Burning for Ring-necked Pheasants

Managing for pheasants in Oklahoma doesn’t have to be an overly arduous task, in many instances a few simple adjustments to existing practices can ensure that you are leaving space and resources ‘for the birds.’

Wildlife Food For Thought: Texas Bullnettle

Few plants demand greater respect than Texas bullnettle, and for good reason. But the plants boast of benefits too, especially for wildlife. For bird lovers of dove, turkey, and quail, managing for bullnettle – or at least tolerating their presence – may well be worth considering.

Are Bat Houses Right For My Property?

Bat houses can provide available roosts where there are none and encourage bats to use and frequent an area. But before you start erecting bat houses here and there, it's important to first determine if they are appropriate for your place.

Chara Has Overtaken My Pond – What Should I Do?

Chara, or muskgrass, can be handled using a variety of methods: mechanical, biological, or chemical. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages.

Grazing Effects on Wildlife

The practice of properly grazing livestock is vital to the health of our ecosystems and overall resiliency of our great state.

Creating a Wildscape Plan

Design a plan that is compatible with the needs of the wildlife you hope to attract as well as of your home and property.

What Exactly Is Edge Habitat and Why Is It Important

Though the definition of edge requires qualifiers, the concept of edge and the practice of edge management remains important for wildlife habitat management in its entirety.

Establishing Eastern Cottonwoods

Landowners and agencies have attempted to reestablish eastern cottonwood in Oklahoma with some success. We share tips from the National Wild Turkey Federation.