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Establishing Wildscape Water Sources

Water is a necessity for wildlife and is simple to provide. We offer four ideas for establishing wildscape water sources.

Connect to Outdoor Oklahoma

We share five ways to connect to Outdoor Oklahoma this spring.

Tagged Pelican Photographed 950 Miles from Nest

Oklahoma photographer reported a tagged American white pelican and learned the bird’s origin story.

New Survey Efforts Launch this Spring

Wildlife Department partners with two universities and a conservation group to learn about and survey species of greatest conservation need.

Wildlife Department Embarks on Wild Turkey Research

Since severe drought conditions persisted across our state in 2012 and 2013, Oklahoma’s hunters and biologists have noticed what they feel is fewer turkeys roaming our diverse landscape. The Wildlife Department embarks on wild turkey research to find out why.

Tax Time Can Get a Little Wild

Don't forget to do your taxes — and don't forget the state's wildlife too!

Migrating Whooping Cranes Expected to Make Spring Stops

Endangered whooping cranes will soon be migrating through Oklahoma to Canadian nesting grounds.

Renewal Emerges Like Phoenix After Flames

Biologists use prescribed fire to improve habitat for the federally endangered red-cockaded woodpecker.

Birdbath Tips

Water is an important part of any wildscaping plan.

The Metamorphosis of a Naturalist

In 2020, amid the windstorm of trending hobbies, one snake fan metamorphosed into a naturalist.