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Migrating Whooping Cranes Expected to Make Spring Stops

Endangered whooping cranes will soon be migrating through Oklahoma to Canadian nesting grounds.

Renewal Emerges Like Phoenix After Flames

Biologists use prescribed fire to improve habitat for the federally endangered red-cockaded woodpecker.

Attracting Amphibians and Reptiles to Your Wildscape

We share tips for managing amphibians and reptiles in a variety of settings.

Birdbath Tips

Water is an important part of any wildscaping plan.

The Metamorphosis of a Naturalist

In 2020, amid the windstorm of trending hobbies, one snake fan metamorphosed into a naturalist.

Christmas Bird Counts Reveal Impacts of the February 2021 Big Freeze

Early results from the longest-running bird count give biologists a look at how some species fared the 2021 Big Freeze.

Owasso Man Combines Outdoor Passions to Create Living Nature Photography Set

A passion for the outdoors can lead nature enthusiasts down an incredible and well-traveled path, but it also comes with the freedom to combine interests and blaze new trails.

Explore Nature during Winter BioBlitz! OK

The Oklahoma Biological Survey is kicking off 2022 with their first ever Winter BioBlitz! OK, Jan. 28 - Feb. 4. The week-long event will be a great opportunity to get outside during winter and learn more about the plants and animals in your backyard, local park, or natural area.

Technology Helps Budding Naturalist Develop Eye for Nature

Emily Thomer’s interest in nature has been growing for the past four years, but her discovery of the natural world comes with a modern spin.

Arts and Science

In the field of biology, arts and science have long gone hand-in-hand. Early naturalists often sketched their discoveries, field guides are typically built around illustrations, and science courses have occasionally incorporated sketching into the curricula.