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Creative Writing Competition


Essay Contest Sponsored By: 

Oklahoma Station Safari Club International

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  • Hunting: Sharing the Heritage 
  • Archery: What I like about Archery in the Schools and Bowhunting 

Students must use one of the themes to develop an expository essay or short story.


Students ages 11-17 currently enrolled in any Oklahoma School and home school students are eligible for participation. Winners of the 2023 contest are not eligible. Applicants must have successfully completed an Oklahoma Hunter Education course by the entry deadline.

Deadline for Entry: 

Friday, Nov. 15, 2024.


If you are mailing in your application the essay or short story should be double-spaced on white, 8 1/2 x 11 paper, with 1 1/2-inch margins on top, bottom, and sides. Typewritten copy is preferred. All essays or short stories must be legible. A completed entry form must be used as a cover sheet and stapled to the essay or short story.

Length should not exceed 1,000 words (four typewritten pages) for short stories, or 500 words (two typewritten pages) for essays.

Students must have successfully completed an Oklahoma Hunter Education course by the entry deadline.

Papers should be carefully proofed for spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar.

Winners of the contest will have one week after notification to submit a photo for publication or the prize will be awarded to the second-place essayist. 


Applicants will be judged on the use of the theme concept, creativity, neatness, proper grammar and punctuation. Winners of the statewide competition will be notified by phone.


In the 11-14 age category: One boy and one girl will get a hunting trip at Rack Attack Outfitters in Fairview, Oklahoma or similar and receive a scholarship to the Outdoor Texas Camp for hunting during the summer of 2025. The Oklahoma Station Safari Club International will reimburse the winners' travel expenses up to a maximum of $500 per Essay Contest Winner.

In the 15-17 age category: One girl and one boy will go on a guided hunt at the Rockin S Exotic Game Ranch near San Angelo Texas. Each boy or girl may choose 1 Aoudad, Blackbuck, Axis, or Scimitar Horned Oryx. OSCSCI has the right to change locations or animals at any time. The Oklahoma Station of Safari Club International will reimburse the winners' travel expenses up to a maximum of $500 per Essay Contest Winner where driving is a possibility. If we are required to fly, to help control overall costs, all airfare for the contest winner and their guardian will be reimbursed by the Oklahoma Station Chapter Safari Club International. Also included will be all meals and lodging during the hunt as well as all license and permit costs.

The four winners will be invited to an awards ceremony in 2025. In addition, the top 25 essay entrants will receive a one-year youth membership to Safari Club International. The four state winners’ entries will be printed in the Oklahoma Station Chapter Safari Club International December Newsletter “Safari Trails”. 11th and 12th grade winners are eligible for consideration in the Outdoor Writers Association of America Youth Writing Contest. Essays may also be printed in Outdoor Oklahoma magazine.



Mailed Entries

If you choose to mail your entry, all entries must be postmarked no later than midnight Friday, Nov. 15, 2024. 

Address entries to: 
Essay Contest, Lance Meek, ODWC, P.O. Box 53465, Oklahoma City, OK 73152.



Online Application

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Student Essay


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