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Lake Carl Blackwell

Lake Carl Blackwell


Fees & Facilities:
Game Warden (County):

An enclosed Crappie dock is located just north of the lake store.

Lake Carl Blackwell (Google Map) is located 2 miles north of SH 51 on SH 51C.

Oklahoma State University manages campgrounds with full RV hookups, cabins, boat ramps, fishing docks and designated swimming areas.

Hybrid Striped Bass are stocked. Saugeye are stocked to manage for quality crappie

Ski Point boat ramp is ADA compliant.

Daily/Size Limits:

Walleye, sauger and saugeye: six combined per day/18-inch minimum.


Prohibited Methods: Noodling.

Lake Carl Blackwell Report

Mar 7. Elevation is 4 ft. below normal (stable), water temperature 58°F and clear.

Crappie, White Good on jigs, minnows around docks.

Trout, Rainbow Good on jigs, PowerBait, small lures.

Report submitted by Josey Branch (Game Warden Payne County)