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Neosho WMA

Neosho WMA, photo by SKylar St. Yves


Game Warden (County):

Area Acres
725 ac.

The Neosho Wildlife Management Area encompasses 725.26 acres located about 6.5 miles northwest of Welch, Oklahoma in the eastern part of Craig and western part of Ottawa counties. Area consists of a rock bluff, bottomland hardwoods, WRP/wetland units, several small ponds, mud creek, prairie lake, pecan trees, several oak species, cottonwood and other timber with diversified terrain from mostly level to gently sloping bluff. It is primarily managed for moist soil species along the Neosho river corridor.

From Welch: 6 miles north on U.S. Highway 59 and State Highway 2, 3 miles east on EW 0040 road to Mud Creek Unit (249.6 acres); follow EW 0040 to NS 4480 road and go south 1 miles to EW 0050 road and go west approximately 0.1 – 0.25 miles to Fields Unit (320.51 acres); head east on EW 0050 road until NS 0490 road and turn south approximately 1 – 1.5 miles to find the Morgan Unit (156.25 acres).

From Area Headquarters: 4.25 miles east on State Highway 10 and U.S. Highway 59, turn north on NS 4490 road (Ottawa/Craig County line) for 3.5 miles for the Morgan Unit (156.25 acres); 1-1.25 miles north on NS 4490 road to EW 0050 road and go approximately 0.5 – 0.75 miles to the Fields Unit (320.51 acres); from EW 0050 road follow NS 4480 road for approximately 1-1.5 miles north until it follows the Neosho River and runs into EW 0040 road to find the Mud Creek Unit (249.6 acres).

Area Headquarters Location from Miami, OK: 53500 E. 110 Rd.; Miami, OK 74354; The ODWC/GRDA office complex is located along State Highway 10 and U.S. Highway 59, approximately 2.5 miles southwest of Miami, OK along U.S. Highway 69, turn west on State Highway 10 and U.S. Highway 59 and go approximately 0.75 miles and office is on the north side of highway.

Area Headquarters Location from Welch, OK: The ODWC/GRDA office complex is located along State Highway 10 and U.S. Highway 59, approximately 9.75 miles east of Welch, OK. Office is located on the north side of highway.

  • Deer
  • Turkey
  • Waterfowl
  • Quail


There is limited fishing opportunity that exists in a couple of small ponds, mud creek, Prairie Lake and the Neosho River is close by.

Area closed to all activities for controlled deer hunts:

Oct. 12-13, 2024

Nov. 2-3, 2024

Nov. 9-10, 2024

Closed Seasons
Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Youth Deer Gun, Deer Gun, Deer Muzzleloader, Turkey Fall Gun
Same As Statewide Seasons
Dove, Deer Archery, Turkey Fall Archery, Quail, Squirrel, Rabbit, Crow, Rail, Gallinule, Snipe, Woodcock, Waterfowl
Seasons w/ Special Restrictions
  • Pursuit with Hounds for Furbearers, Predator/Furbearer Calling

Closed from opening day of deer archery season through the first nine days of deer gun season.

  • Trapping

Open to water sets, live box traps and enclosed trigger traps only.

  • Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey Spring

One-tom limit; seasons combined.

Additional Restrictions:

No camping allowed.

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