Owned by OG&E.
Only waterfowl hunting by permit is allowed. Waterfowl hunters must hunt within 50 yards of staked, numbered blind sites. Numbered blind sites are designated on Sooner Lake hunt map. All other areas of the lake closed to all hunting.
Ducks, Coots, and Geese.
Closed to all seasons except waterfowl.
Seasons w/ Special Restrictions
- Waterfowl
Hunting by permit only in designated areas; Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Maps of Sooner Lake are available at east boat ramp or online.
Striped bass: 5 per day, minimum length of 20 inches; walleye, sauger, saugeye: six combined per day/18-inch minimum; others must be returned to the water immediately.
Allowed methods: rod and reel, bowfishing, and noodling. Fishing is prohibited from dam, fenced area below dam, and north bank of intake channel. Fishing in the buoy-marked intake channel, discharge channel and spillway embankment is bank fishing only (no float tubes or wading).
Controlled Hunts: Yet More Ways to Up Your Odds
Additional features continue to be added to the Wildlife Department’s controlled hunts program.
Cackling Geese Tracked in Central Flyway Study
Researchers are tracking cackling geese wintering in a five-state study area to learn more about their movements and habitat preferences.
Study Focused on Bats and Disease-causing Fungus
Bat surveys were conducted to learn more about Oklahoma’s bat communities and hundreds of bats were swabbed for the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome.