3,874.34 acre Arbuckle Springs WMA is located one mile west of the small town of Bromide in far northeast Johnston County. The WMA has very shallow soils overlaying limestone rock. The shallow limestone soils produce plant communities that are uncommon in the state. Native grasses and shrubs are dominant, with smaller patches of oak and other hardwood timber.
From Bromide: 1 mile west on Harris Ranch Road (AKA 1790 Road). From Connerville: 5.5 miles east of highway 99 on Harris Ranch Road
- Quail: Bobwhite quail are present in low numbers.
- Deer: White-tailed deer are present in good numbers.
- Turkey: Rio Grande turkeys are present in good numbers.
- Rabbit: Cottontails are present in fair numbers.
- Furbearers: Coyote, bobcat, and raccoon are available.
- Dove: Present in low numbers.
- Waterfowl: Present in limited numbers on the farm ponds.
- Squirrel: Fox and gray squirrels are present in fair numbers in forested areas.
- Rattlesnakes: Both western diamondback and timber rattlesnakes are fairly common. Use appropriate caution when using the WMA, especially during warmer periods.
Management efforts for Arbuckle Springs focus on enhancing native plant communities with prescribed burns, prescribed grazing, herbicide applications, and mechanical brush control.
A designated primitive camping area is available, while both lodging and restaurants are available in Tishomingo, Ada, and Atoka.
Some fishing opportunities exist in the farm ponds located on the WMA.
Area closed to all activities for controlled deer hunts:
Nov. 23-24, 2024
Closed Seasons
Same As Statewide Seasons
Seasons w/ Special Restrictions
- Dove, Quail, Rail, Gallinule, Woodcock, Snipe, Crow, Waterfowl, Squirrel, Rabbit, Pursuit with Hounds for Furbearers, Predator/Furbearer Calling
Closed from the opening day of deer archery season through the first nine days of deer gun season.
- Trapping
Closed from the opening day of deer archery season through the first nine days of deer gun season. Open to water sets, live box traps and enclosed trigger traps only.
- Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey Spring
One-tom limit; seasons combined.
Closed to all nonhunting activities, except for hunter and/or angler camping and fishing, from Oct. 1 - Feb. 15.
Hunter and angler camping is allowed in designated areas.
Q: Is Arbuckle Springs archery only for deer.
A: Arbuckle Springs is open for youth deer gun season and there is a draw youth deer gun hunt as well. Archery season is the only opportunity for adults to hunt deer.
Q: Do I have to wear hunter orange during gun deer seasons on Arbuckle Springs since it is only open for Archery hunting?
A: Yes.
Q: Do I need anything other than appropriate hunting licenses to hunt on Arbuckle Springs?
A: No.