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Yourman WMA

Yourman WMA


Game Warden (County):
(918) 471-9447(Latimer)

Area Acres
2,860 ac.
Area Non-Ambulatory Acres
2,435.14 ac.

The Yourman WMA covers 2,860 acres of central Latimer County in the southeastern part of Oklahoma. Located approximately eight miles south of Wilburton on Hwy. 2 along South Gaines Creek, the area is comprised of a mixture of oak/pine forest with steep slopes, shallow soils and rocky terrain. 

Some of the native tree species you will encounter are shortleaf pine, post oak, red oak, black oak, water oak, sycamore, hackberry, hickory, elm, blackgum, sweetgum, rusty blackhaw, flowering dogwood, and hawthorne. You will also encounter high bush huckleberry, low bush huckleberry, different varieties of sumac, coralberry, poison ivy, green brier, blackberry and many others. The average annual precipitation for the area is about 52 inches. 

From Wilburton: 8 miles south on State Hwy 2 (look for 4'x8' WMA sign), 1½ miles east on Yourman Rd.

  • Deer: White-tailed deer are present in good numbers but are highly sought after.  
  • Quail: Bobwhite quail are present in low numbers.  
  • Turkey: Eastern wild turkeys are present in good numbers but are heavily sought after. 
  • Rabbit: Cottontails and Swamp Rabbits are present but not usually in large numbers. 
  • Furbearers: Coyote, bobcat, opossum, skunk, beaver and raccoon are available.  
  • Dove: Occur in low numbers for short periods of time during their annual migration. 
  • Waterfowl: A few wood ducks and mallards may be found on the ponds and on South Gaines Creek. 
  • Woodcock: Occur in relatively low numbers.
  • Squirrel: Fox and gray squirrels are usually present in good numbers on the area.  
  • Bear: Good population of black bear.
  • Brown Creeper: Present, but only in very low numbers. 
  • Owls: Several species of owls may be observed on the area. The Screech owl is a favorite. 
  • Eastern Wood Pewee: Is also a favorite of bird watching enthusiasts. 
  • Woodpeckers: Several species of woodpeckers may be observed on the area. 

Management efforts focus on producing native wildlife foods such as ragweed, crotons and sunflower and maintaining the woody structure height for a variety of wildlife species by the use of prescribed burning. A hay lease is used to keep approximately 100 acres of openings in native grasses, forbs and legumes. A producing gas well and gas pipelines provide additional wildlife openings with native forage.   

The area is relatively small is size therefore it has been designated for Walk-In Only access to the area (no motorized vehicles). The regulations are same as statewide season dates to allow as much hunting opportunity to the public as possible.   

There is a pavilion on the northern entrance of the area and camping is allowed only in this area. No shooting is allowed around the camping area, this is designated as a safety zone. 

Fishing opportunities exist for black bass and other species at Sardis Lake on the north side of Clayton, Clayton Lake on the east side of Clayton, the Kiamichi river, Little river, Blackfork river and numerous mountain streams in the surrounding area. Limited fishing opportunity is available in the area ponds and in South Gaines Creek. Wister Lake is east of the area, Eufaula Lake is northwest, and Robbers Cave State Park has limited trout fishing opportunities north of Wilburton on Hwy. 2.

Walk-in access only, except for designated camping and parking areas.

Closed Seasons
Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Turkey Fall Gun
Same As Statewide Seasons
Bear Archery, Deer Archery, Youth Deer Gun, Bear Muzzleloader, Deer Muzzleloader, Dove, Rail, Gallinule, Crow, Turkey Fall Archery, Predator/Furbearer Calling, Trapping
Seasons w/ Special Restrictions
  • Deer Gun

Open the first nine days only.

  • Quail, Rabbit, Squirrel, Snipe, Woodcock, Pursuit with Hounds for Furbearers, Waterfowl

Closed during the first nine days of deer gun season.

  • Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey Spring

One-tom limit; seasons combined.

Additional Restrictions:

Hunter and angler camping is allowed in designated areas.

Kiamichi Country Tourism   

PO Box 279, Dept KC03
Clayton 74536 
(918) 569-4135

Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department
Post Office Box 52002
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-2002
(800) 652-6552 or (405) 521-2409

Pushmataha County Chamber of Commerce
212 North High Antlers OK 74523 
(580) 298-2488

Talihina Chamber of Commerce and Ouachita National Forest Interpretive Association 
900 Second St, Suite 12, Dept 03, 
Talihina, OK 74571
(918) 567-3434

Q: Is Yourman WMA open for deer gun and muzzleloader season?

A: Yes, Yourman WMA is open the first nine days of deer gun season.

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