NOTICE, NEW RULE CHANGE REGARDING TRAPPING: OLAP Walk-in Hunting Areas are open to water sets, live box traps, and enclosed trigger traps. All other traps are prohibited.
Remember, your behavior will decide the future of these areas. The responsible behavior of hunters and anglers dictates the success of public access programs. OLAP encourages sportsperson to be safe, ethical, responsible, and courteous to assure the future of OLAP.
- Sportspersons must be safe, ethical, and courteous. Be courteous to fellow hunters and anglers and maintain safe distances while in the field.
- Crops and livestock. Remember, these areas are private property and a source of the landowner’s livelihood, treat the property with respect. Avoid causing damage to standing crops. If present, give cattle a wide berth to avoid disturbing them.
- Safety zones. Allow a safety buffer around fellow hunters, buildings, and livestock. Be aware of what lies beyond your target before shooting.
- Walk-in areas are for foot traffic only. Vehicular access is prohibited. Do not open gates and avoid stretching fences when crossing them. Parking areas will be designated on maps.
- Walk-in areas are for posted activity only. Any activities such as camping, horseback riding, dog training, or target shooting are prohibited on all OLAP properties. Fires and alcohol are prohibited.
- Observe and respect property boundaries. Make sure the land you are entering is posted with OLAP signs and consult the atlas. Straying off of an OLAP walk-in area on to private lands not enrolled is considered trespassing.
- Bag limits and creel limits are consistent with state wide regulations, unless otherwise stated. Be aware of special regulations, especially for ponds enrolled for walk-in fishing. Small impoundments often require unique management strategies to ensure continued success for anglers.
- Seasons are consistent with state wide regulations. However, the access dates determine whether sportspersons may access the property. These access dates are specified by the walk-in area category indicated on posted signs.
- Daily access is allowed from two hours before official sunrise to one hour after official sunset, unless stated otherwise. Some walk-in areas may be near a landowner’s home; please be respectful when accessing properties and minimize disturbance.
- Hunting and service dogs only. Dogs are allowed in walk-in areas for the pursuit of game only, with the exception of service dogs. Dogs shall not harass livestock, persons, or property. Horses are prohibited.
- Blinds. No permanent type blinds or stands. Sportspersons are limited to one temporary blind or stand.
- Right to deny access. Sportspersons must leave an OLAP property if requested by cooperator, Department representative, or law enforcement officer. Reasons for denial of access include criminal or destructive activities (cause), presence of Whooping Cranes, or agricultural/ranching activities.
- No littering! Pack it in, pack it out. If you see trash from another sportsperson, please remove it.
- Remove shotgun hulls. Spent shotgun shell hulls are unsightly and detrimental to the program. Leaving the land as you found it is imperative for program success.
- Properly dispose of carcasses. Do not leave carcasses or remains in parking areas, roads, or ditches. Field dressing is allowed.
- Respect the landowner’s privacy. Do not attempt to contact cooperating landowners for access to other tracts. Landowner enrollment in public access programs may be to avoid direct contact with sportspersons.
- Trapping. OLAP Walk-in Hunting Areas are open to water sets, live box traps, and enclosed trigger traps. All other traps are prohibited.
- Please report violations to a Game Warden.
- Walk-in Hunting Area: Archery/Shotgun Only
Access Dates: Sep. 1 - May 6- No shot size larger than T shot.
- No shotgun slugs.
- Centerfire, rimfire, and muzzleloading rifles are prohibited.
- Hunting only. All other activities are prohibited.
- Limited Access
Access Dates: Dependent on individual walk-in area. Consult Map Directory.- Means of take dependent on individual walk-in area. Consult Map Directory.
- Activity dependent on individual walk-in area. Consult Map Directory.
- Walk-in Wildlife Viewing Area
Access Dates: Annual- Hunting is prohibited.
- Fishing is prohibited unless enrolled as a walk-in fishing area or stream access area.
- Removal of animals, vegetation, minerals, fossils, and artifacts is prohibited.
- Walk-in Fishing Area: Annual Access
Access Dates: Annual- Hunting is prohibited.
- Catch and release only.
- Limit of 3 rods per person, 3 hooks per line.
- Swimming is prohibited.
- Walk-in Fishing Area: Seasonal Access
Access Dates: May 7- Aug. 31- If concurrently enrolled as a Walk-in Hunting Area, hunting is prohibited from May 7 - Aug. 31.
- Catch and release only.
- Limit of 3 rods per person, 3 hooks per line.
- Swimming is prohibited.
- Walk-in Stream Access Area
Access Dates: Annual- If on foot or wading, sportspersons must remain within stream corridor.
- Hunting is prohibited unless concurrently enrolled as a walk-in hunting area.
Information and Boundary Signs:
Sportspersons are expected to observe and understand posted property boundaries and not trespass on neighboring properties.

Temporarily Closed Access Sign
These signs will be posted when a Walk-in Area is temporarily closed to public access. Check the OLAP Map Directory under the "Maps" tab to check the status of walk-in areas prior to visiting. Temporary closure notices will be indicated in the OLAP Map Directory by 6:00 pm of the preceding day. Please note, not all reasons for temporary closure (wildfire, tornado, etc.) allow for the OLAP Map Directory to be updated the day before, but the OLAP staff will make every reasonable effort to provide these notifications in a timely manner.