Springtime brings spring turkey hunting seasons in Oklahoma, but it’s also the season of fundraising banquets for many conservation partner groups in the state. These fundraisers have become a tradition themselves for bringing together likeminded hunters and conservationists who believe in preserving America’s rich hunting traditions.
Many state chapters of the National Wild Turkey Federation have planned a flurry of Hunting Heritage banquet events ahead of the April 6 spring turkey season opener, said T.J. Goodpasture, NWTF regional director.
“These events are being held to raise money for projects that conserve wildlife and preserve Oklahoma’s hunting heritage,” he said. “The NWTF chapters welcome all out-of-town as well as local hunters to purchase tickets and come join in on chances to win some great turkey hunting gear, calls, guns and enjoy a great dinner.”
National Wild Turkey Federation chapters will have upcoming banquets in Wagoner on March 22; McAlester, March 23; Pryor, March 28; Tishomingo, March 28; Oklahoma City, March 29; Idabel, March 29; Crescent, March 30; Duncan, March 30; Woodward, April 5. For more information or to buy tickets, go to www.nwtf.org/events and search for Oklahoma events.
Other conservation partner organizations also have spring fundraising banquets planned:
- Quail Forever: Claremore, March 23; Weatherford, March 29; Duncan, April 20. For more information or to buy tickets, go to www.facebook.com/pg/oklahomapfqf/events.
- Ducks Unlimited: Miami, March 23; Ponca City, April 4; Tulsa, April 5. For more information or to buy tickets, go to www.ducks.org/events.
- Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation: Tuttle, March 23. For more information or to buy tickets, go to www.rmef.org/events.
- Friends of NRA: Weatherford, March 23; Ada, March 28; Wilburton, April 13; Claremore, April 20; Muskogee, April 27. For more information or to buy tickets, go to www.friendsofNRA.org/events.
The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation urges sportsmen, sportswomen and outdoor enthusiasts to become involved in conservation partner groups that share the Department’s mission to manage, protect, and enhance wildlife resources and habitat for the scientific, educational, recreational, aesthetic, and economic benefits to present and future generations of citizens and visitors to Oklahoma. Many of these groups donate funds to the Department for projects to improve habitat and manage wildlife.
Organizations wishing to promote their events are encouraged to use the Outdoor Calendar on the Wildlife Department’s home page at www.wildlifedepartment.com. Events can be added by anyone. The Outdoor Calendar link is found in the Quick Links box on the home page.