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Outdoor Journal - All Search

Below are all the recent Outdoor Oklahoma Journals along with a search option to find a journal related to your subject of interest.

What's in a Wing? What ODWC Biologists Can Learn through Quail Wing Collection

Hunters who harvest quail from select WMAs in western Oklahoma are asked to donate a wing from each bird for ODWC research.

Shotgun Sports Explained

Here's the breakdown on the most popular shotgun shooting range sports.

Safe Handling of Paddlefish

New advancements in technology are allowing anglers to target paddlefish more accurately throughout the year. That comes with both excitement and responsibility

Keystone Building a Name as World Record Paddlefish Hotspot

Some fish tales are too tall to believe, but this one is the real deal.

Stunning Nature Photos Featured in Outdoor Oklahoma

One hundred photographs give a hint at what could await you in Outdoor Oklahoma.

World Record Paddlefish: ODWC Senior Fisheries Biologist Weighs in on Conspiracies, and more...

The Wildlife Department's Top Expert on Paddlefish Speaks on Spoonbill Size, Genes and the Ever-Advancing Tools of Successful Snagging

Video: How to Teach someone to Cast a Spincast Rod & Reel

"Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for life," but ... how do you do that?

Video: How To Prepare A Hummingbird Feeder

Hummingbirds delight Oklahomans every year. Here's how you can get a closer look while safely feeding them in your own yard.

Video: How to Tie a Fishing Knot

Tying a fishing hook knot.

Video: A How-To for Fletching Arrows

How to Fletch Arrows.