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Outdoor Journal - All Search

Below are all the recent Outdoor Oklahoma Journals along with a search option to find a journal related to your subject of interest.

Video: How to Catch Sunfish - The Ultimate Guide

A short how to video on fishing for sunfish.

Watch Bats with the Wildlife Department

Mail your registration form by June 1 to be considered in the drawing.

Tenkara - Simply Fishing

Tenkara originated in Japan and has been practiced there for at least several centuries. But now it's an opportunity to fish Oklahoma a different way.

Game Wardens Key in Turtle Smuggling Case

A New Jersey man was sentenced in federal court in Tulsa for turtle smuggling after pleading guilty for conspiring with others to purchase, transport and sell more than 1,000 box turtles.

Rare Vireos Persist at Historic Blaine County Site

The Wildlife Department partnered with the Oklahoma Nature Conservancy and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to conserve black-capped vireos.

The Outdoors Are Always Open

Have some spare time on your hands? Getting outdoors can be a great way to practice social distancing while enjoying some needed fresh air!

Landscaping for Birds

To enhance the opportunities for viewing wildlife, many people transform their yards into oases by incorporating native plants and landscaping for birds.

The Quest For All Birds On Permit

Their hunting goal was to harvest a bird from every category listed on the federal Harvest Information Program permit.

New Game Warden Learns Every Day Differs

Jacob Harriet has been a Game Warden with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation for less than a year and already enjoys the varied schedule that comes with the job.

Stop Invasive Species in Your Tracks

Invasive species impact everyone and we can all take steps to limit their spread in our state.