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Outdoor Journal - All Search

Below are all the recent Outdoor Oklahoma Journals along with a search option to find a journal related to your subject of interest.

Hal and Fern Cooper WMA: Where the Buffalo Once Roamed

A cryptic phone call to an Oklahoma Archaeological Survey researcher was the beginning of an incredible archaeological discovery at Hal and Fern Cooper WMA.

Surveyors Savor Sweet Success in Study of Scarce Salamanders

Less than an inch of rain fell on October 9, but it was enough to prompt 196 salamanders to emerge from their underground homes and embark on their annual journey.

Behind the Photographer's Lens: Shorebirds

Migrating shorebirds gave Jeremiah Zurenda an opportunity to combine his love for the outdoors and his passion for photography.

Ozark Plateau Refuge Studies Shed Light on Status of Bats

Biologists survey Oklahoma bats and monitor the Refuge's population for the effects of a relatively new bat disease known as white-nose syndrome.

Woodpeckers of the Wilderness Area: Spring Cavity Checks

Each spring, biologists monitor nest cavities of endangered red-cockaded woodpeckers at the McCurtain County Wilderness Area.

The Century-old McCurtain County Wilderness Area Benefits a Large Wildlife Community

Management efforts for a federally endangered bird on the McCurtain County Wilderness Area have benefitted a host of other Oklahoma wildlife.

Surveying Oklahoma’s Rivers for Endangered Least Terns

Biologists are using an airboat to cruise two Oklahoma rivers as they check in on nesting interior least terns.

Wading through Wetlands for Western Chicken Turtles

The Wildlife Department teamed up with researchers to learn about western chicken turtles, an unusual turtle with an unusual name.

An Introduction to the World of Dragonflies and Damselflies

Oklahoma’s diversity of dragonflies and damselflies is remarkable; at least 50 species of these relentless hunters can be found patrolling in each of our 77 counties.

A Health Checkup for Oklahoma's Frogs and Salamanders

The Wildlife Department Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History partnered to track the presence and emergence of amphibian infectious diseases.