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Outdoor Journal - All Search

Below are all the recent Outdoor Oklahoma Journals along with a search option to find a journal related to your subject of interest.

Western Oklahoma Birds Counted in Multistate Survey

Survey teams with the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies counted birds in six states during the 2017 breeding season.

Woodpeckers of the Wilderness Area: The Next Generation Has Hatched

Wildlife Department biologist Clay Barnes checks in on an endangered woodpeckers living on the McCurtain County Wilderness Area.

Digging Up Some Data on Shovelnose Sturgeon

Four-year shovelnose sturgeon study conducted in view of Tulsa skyline.

Understanding the Basics of Backyard Bird Photography

With the right equipment and a basic understanding of photography, you can get that perfect backyard bird shot.

Spring Planting for Fall Monarchs

One of the best things Oklahomans can do to help monarchs and other butterflies is to make sure flowering plants are plentiful.

Five Ways to Celebrate Oklahoma's Bats

Spring's surge of flying insects leads to another addition to Oklahoma's night sky - bats!

Longtime Caver Honored for 37 Years of Bat Conservation

Bill Puckette, retired science teacher, bat conservationist, and avid caver, was honored with the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society's most prestigious award.

Night-flying Insects Surveyed in Osage County

Researchers at the University of New Hampshire partnered with the Wildlife Department to see if the rattlesnake master borer moth, and other night-flying insects were present in Osage County.

Birding by the Season

Discover the incredibly diverse and abundant birds found on Oklahoma’s WMAs across the seasons.

"Iron Gate Cave" Gets a New Gate

Biologists took steps to make a cave safer for endangered bats by installing a gate within the mouth of Iron Gate cave.