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Problem Wildlife Guests or Pesky Pests?

On occasion, some animals behave more like pests than welcomed visitors, which means adapting your behavior to theirs – outsmarting or excluding them when they create a nuisance you can’t live with. This guide provides tips for dealing with problem wildlife guests or pesky pests.

Creating a Wildscape Plan

Design a plan that is compatible with the needs of the wildlife you hope to attract as well as of your home and property.

Attracting Hummingbirds

Tips for attracting hummingbirds using artificial feeders and hummingbird gardens.

Establishing a Successful Wildscape

Attracting wildlife to your yard can be as simple as providing four basic habitat components in your wildscape: food, water, cover, and space.

Establishing Wildscape Water Sources

Water is a necessity for wildlife and is simple to provide. We offer four ideas for establishing wildscape water sources.

Attracting Amphibians and Reptiles to Your Wildscape

We share tips for managing amphibians and reptiles in a variety of settings.

Birdbath Tips

Water is an important part of any wildscaping plan.

Owasso Man Combines Outdoor Passions to Create Living Nature Photography Set

A passion for the outdoors can lead nature enthusiasts down an incredible and well-traveled path, but it also comes with the freedom to combine interests and blaze new trails.

Landscaping for Birds

To enhance the opportunities for viewing wildlife, many people transform their yards into oases by incorporating native plants and landscaping for birds.

DIYildlife: Start Planning Fall Wildscape Updates

Whether your wildlife-friendly yard is just getting started or has been welcoming wildlife for years, take stock of your wildscape goals and plan any updates this fall.