Tips for Making Your Winter Eagle Watching Trips Successful
Oklahoma's bald eagle numbers peak between November and February, making winter the prime season for eagle watching.
Finding Adventure Through iNaturalist
Wildlife Department Administrative Assistant Shelli Gray has made several exciting discoveries through iNaturalist.
Celebrate #MothWeek by Sharing Your Sightings
Help shed light on Oklahoma's moth community by sharing your sightings this #MothWeek.
Nature Sightings: What to Share and How to Share It
We offer tips for what to share when it comes to nature sightings and how to share them with biologists.
Endangered Whooping Cranes to Move through Oklahoma
Whooping cranes to make 2,500-mile migration with stops in Oklahoma.
Nature Sightings: Where to Share
We highlight four of our favorite sites for sharing nature sightings.
Naturally Curious: Nature Sightings App Helps One Mom Get Kids Outside
Mobile app gives youngsters fun way to learn, share their nature sightings, and contribute to science.
Identification Tools: Field Guides, Online Resources, and Sweat Equity
Countless learning resources and identification tools are available that suit a variety of learning styles.
Test Your Bird-watching Wings on Raptors
Peering at raptors, or birds of prey, through binoculars may feel hawkward at first, but you'll have a hoot in no time!
Online Tools for Identifying Songbirds
Get recommendations for apps that can help with identifying songbirds.