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Identification Tools: Field Guides, Online Resources, and Sweat Equity

Countless learning resources and identification tools are available that suit a variety of learning styles.

Wild Double Take: Plains and Coastal Plains Leopard Frogs

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike amphibians, the Plains and Coastal Plains leopard frogs.

Fixing Muddy Ponds

Corrective measures and treatment options for muddy ponds.

Wild Double Take: Wilson’s Snipe and American Woodcock

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike birds, the Wilson’s snipe and American woodcock.

Plant Habitat by Planting Trees: Four Tips for Success

We share four tree planting tips from a restoration project at the Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge.

Woodworking for Wildlife: Nest Boxes

Lack of suitable nest sites often prevents wildlife – primarily birds – from utilizing otherwise good habitat. Nest boxes can be added as a habitat supplement.

Get the Most Out of Your Bird Feeder

We share four tips for getting the most out of your feeder.

Wild Double Take: Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers

Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike woodpeckers.

Test Your Bird-watching Wings on Raptors

Peering at raptors, or birds of prey, through binoculars may feel hawkward at first, but you'll have a hoot in no time!

Online Tools for Identifying Songbirds

Get recommendations for apps that can help with identifying songbirds.