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ESA Section 6 Projects

Congress passed the Endangered Species Act in 1973 to conserve native plants and animals that are in danger of extinction.

Each year, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service partner to manage, monitor, and recover federally threatened and endangered species. These projects are made possible with funding allocated to state wildlife agencies through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund. This fund is authorized through Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act, which describes the important role states play in the implementation of the ESA. ESA Section 6 grants are managed through the Wildlife Department’s Wildlife Diversity Program, which monitors, manages, and promotes rare, declining, and endangered wildlife, as well as common species not hunted or fished.

Endangered Species Act, Section 6 Projects

E-1 Ecology and Management of Isolated Populations of the Black-Capped Vireo (Vireo atricapullus) In Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Ecology and Management of Isolated Populations of the Black-Capped Vireo (Vireo atricapullus) In OklahomaE-104-01-198603-31-1989
E-2 Leopard Darter Reproductive Biology Study in Southeastern Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Leopard Darter Reproductive Biology Study in Southeastern OklahomaE-210-01-198609-30-1988
E-3 Biology of Threatened and Endangered Species in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Status and Habitat Relationship of Red-cockaded Woodpeckers in OklahomaE-304-01-198903-31-1991
Micro- and Macrohabitat Characteristics of Caves Within the Range of the Ozark Big-eared Bat in Eastern OklahomaE-3-204-01-198909-30-1991
Management of the Endangered Ozark Big-eared Bat: Continued Cave Searches and Colony Monitoring E-3-304-01-199103-31-1993
Management of the Endangered Ozark Big-eared Bat: Telemetry InvestigationsE-3-404-01-199103-31-1994
E-4 Status Survey and Habitat Analysis of Stenotrema pilsbryi Rich Mountain Slitmouth (Pulmonata: Gastropoda)
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Status Survey and Habitat Analysis of Stenotrema pilsbryi Rich Mountain Slitmouth (Pulmonata: Gastropoda)E-405-01-198904-30-1990


E-5 Survey and Species Determination of Cave Crayfish in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Survey and Species Determination of Cave Crayfish in OklahomaE-506-01-198905-31-1990
Survey and Species Determination of Cave Crayfish in OklahomaE-5-209-23-199109-30-1992


E-6 Hydrogeology of Ozark Cavefish Caves
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Hydrogeology of Ozark Cavefish CavesE-606-01-198906-30-1991


E-7 Status Survey of the Western Fanshell and the Neosho Mucket in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Status Survey of the Western Fanshell and the Neosho Mucket in OklahomaE-708-01-198905-30-1990


E-8 Status of Threatened and Endangered Fishes in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Life History and Distribution of the Arkansas River Shiner in Oklahoma E-8-106-01-198908-31-1991
Status of the Neosho Madtom in OklahomaE-8-205-01-199108-31-1991
Status of the Speckled Chub in the Arkansas River BasinE-8-309-01-199103-31-1993
Leopard Darter Mark and Recapture StudyE-809-01-199308-31-1996
E-9 Gray Bat (Myotis Grisescens) Population and Protection System Monitoring
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Gray Bat (Myotis Grisescens) Population and Protection System MonitoringE-909-22-198909-21-1995
E-12 Habitat Use and Reproductive Biology of Arkansia wheeleri (Mollusca: Unionidae) in the Kiamichi River, Oklahoma)
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Habitat Use and Reproductive Biology of Arkansia wheeleri (Mollusca: Unionidae) in the Kiamichi River, Oklahoma)E-1206-01-199005-31-1993
E-13 Habitat Use and Genetic Characterization and Variability in the American Burying Beetle, Nicrophorus Americanus, in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Habitat Use and Genetic Characterization and Variability in the American Burying Beetle, Nicrophorus Americanus, in OklahomaE-1309-01-199008-31-1994
E-14 Preliminary Assessment of Black-tailed Prairie Dog Colonies for Reintroduction of Black-footed Ferrets in Western Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Preliminary Assessment of Black-tailed Prairie Dog Colonies for Reintroduction of Black-footed Ferrets in Western OklahomaE-1409-17-199009-30-1991
E-16 Prairie Mole Cricket in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Prairie Mole Cricket in OklahomaE-1604-26-199104-25-1995
E-18 Determination of the Distribution and Abundance of the Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Determination of the Distribution and Abundance of the Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) in OklahomaE-1808-15-199105-31-1993
E-19 Least Tern “Share the Beach” Public Service Announcement Campaign
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Least Tern “Share the Beach” Public Service Announcement CampaignE-1909-09-199108-31-1992
E-21 Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness Area
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-103-01-199202-28-1993
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-203-01-199302-28-1994
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-303-01-199402-28-1995
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-403-01-199502-29-1996
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-503-25-199602-28-1997
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-604-01-199703-31-1998
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-704-01-199803-31-1999
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-804-01-199903-31-2000
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-904-01-200003-31-2001
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-1004-01-200103-31-2002
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-1104-01-200203-31-2003
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-1204-01-200303-31-2004
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-1304-01-200403-31-2005
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-1610-01-200803-31-2010
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-1708-02-201003-31-2013
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-1809-01-201203-31-2014
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-1904-01-201403-30-2015
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-2004-01-201503-30-2016
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-2104-01-201603-30-2017
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-2204-01-201703-31-2019
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Work on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-2304-01-201903-31-2020
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-2404-01-202009-30-2021
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Recovery on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-21-2504-01-202109-30-2022
E-22 Management and Cave Protection for Federally listed Bats and Co-occurring Stygobitic Fauna in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Management and Cave Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat (Plecotus townsendii ingens)E-22-509-27-199309-26-1998
Management and Cave Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat and Gray Bat in OklahomaE-22-610-01-199809-30-1999
Management and Cave Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat and Gray Bat in OklahomaE-22-710-01-199909-30-2000
Management and Cave Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat and Gray Bat in OklahomaE-22-810-01-200009-30-2001
Management and Cave Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat and Gray Bat in OklahomaE-22-910-01-200109-30-2002
Management and Cave Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat and Gray Bat in OklahomaE-22-1010-01-200209-30-2003
Management and Cave Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat and Gray Bat in OklahomaE-22-1110-01-200309-30-2004
Management and Cave Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat and Gray Bat in OklahomaE-22-1410-01-200709-30-2008
Management and Cave Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii Ingens) and Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens) in OklahomaE-22-1510-22-200809-30-2009
Management and Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat, Gray Bat, and Stygobitic Fauna in OklahomaE-22-1612-01-201011-30-2011
Management and Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat, Gray Bat, and Stygobitic Fauna in OklahomaE-22-1706-01-201105-31-2012
Management and Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat, Gray Bat, and Stygobitic Fauna in OklahomaE-22-1812-01-201203-31-2014
Management and Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat, Gray Bat, and Stygobitic Fauna in OklahomaE-22-1904-01-201403-31-2015
Management and Protection for the Ozark Big-eared Bat, Gray Bat, and Stygobitic Fauna in OklahomaE-22-2005-01-201504-30-2016
Management and Cave Protection for Federally-listed Bats and Co-occurring Stygobitic Fauna in OklahomaE-22-2105-01-201504-30-2016
Management and Cave Protection for Federally-listed Bats and Co-occurring Stygobitic Fauna in OklahomaE-22-2210-01-201709-30-2018
Management and Cave Protection for Federally-listed Bats and Co-occurring Stygobitic Fauna in OklahomaE-22-2301-01-201912-31-2019
Management and Cave Protection for Federally-listed Bats and Co-occurring Stygobitic Fauna in OklahomaE-22-2401-01-202012-31-2021
Management and Cave Protection for Federally-listed Bats and Co-occurring Stygobitic Fauna in OklahomaE-22-R-2501-01-202212-31-2022
E-24 Status Survey of the Ouachita Dusky Salamander
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Status Survey of the Ouachita Dusky SalamanderE-2405-01-199304-30-1995
E-26 Mountain Plover Breeding Activity on Cultivated Fields
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Mountain Plover Breeding Activity on Cultivated FieldsE-2604-01-199303-31-1995
E-27 Status Survey for Three Candidate Aquatic Invertebrates in the Arbuckle Mountains
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Status Survey for Three Candidate Aquatic Invertebrates in the Arbuckle MountainsE-2705-01-199312-31-1995
E-28 & E-29 Status of Threatened and Endangered Fishes in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Status Survey of the Arkansas Darter in Eastern OklahomaE-2809-23-199412-29-1995
Reintroduction of the Arkansas River Speckled Chub and Taxonomic Status and Genetic Structure of the Speckled Chub in the Arkansas and Red River DrainagesE-2905-01-199412-31-1998
E-30 Endangered/Candidate Bat Species Survey
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Mist-net Survey for Endangered and Candidate Bat Species on Public Lands in Eastern OklahomaE-30-305-01-199409-30-1997
E-31 Survey and Management of Interior Least Terns and Snowy Plovers on the Canadian River in Central and Western Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Survey and Management of Interior Least Terns and Snowy Plovers on the Canadian River in Central and Western OklahomaE-3106-13-199409-30-1995
Monitoring of Least Terns on the Canadian River in OklahomaE-3109-27-199609-26-2001
E-33 Habitat Requirements of the Arkansas River Shiner, Notropis Girardi
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Habitat Requirements of the Arkansas River Shiner, Notropis GirardiE-33-108-01-199407-31-1995
E-34 Determination of the status and habitat preference of the Neosho Mucket in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Determination of the status and habitat preference of the Neosho Mucket in OklahomaE-3409-01-199408-31-1997
E-35 Distribution and Ecology of the Swift Fox (Vulpes velox)
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Distribution and Ecology of the Swift Fox (Vulpes velox)E-35-309-26-199409-29-1997
E-36 American Burying Beetle Survey
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
American Burying Beetle SurveyE-3609-26-199409-25-1995
E-37 Texas Horned Lizard Educational Brochure
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Texas Horned Lizard Educational BrochureE-3709-26-199409-25-1995
E-39 Black-capped Vireo Survey on Public Land in Central Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Black-capped Vireo Survey on Public Land in Central OklahomaE-3909-18-199509-30-1996
E-40 Status, Distribution and Habitat Use of the Alligator Snapping Turtle in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Status, Distribution and Habitat Use of the Alligator Snapping Turtle in OklahomaE-4010-1-199609-30-1999
E-41 Bachman’s Sparrow Survey and Habitat Characterization on Southeastern Oklahoma Wildlife Management Areas
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Bachman’s Sparrow Survey and Habitat Characterization on Southeastern Oklahoma Wildlife Management AreasE-4109-27-199609-26-1998
E-45 Reproductive Enhancement and Population Monitoring of Black-capped Vireos in Blaine County
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Reproductive Enhancement and Population Monitoring of Black-capped Vireos in Blaine CountyE-45-805-01-200204-30-2005
E-46 Survey of Major Tributaries of the Kiamichi River for the Ouachita Rock Pocketbook and Other Rare Mussels
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Survey of Major Tributaries of the Kiamichi River for the Ouachita Rock Pocketbook and Other Rare MusselsE-4606-01-199705-31-1998
E-47 Public Survey for Information Related to Eastern Spotted Skunk Sightings
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Public Survey for Information Related to Eastern Spotted Skunk SightingsE-4709-01-199708-31-1998
E-48 Monitoring of Known Populations of the Rich Mountain Slitmouth Snail
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Monitoring of Known Populations of the Rich Mountain Slitmouth SnailE-4809-26-199709-25-1998
E-49 Monitoring of Oklahoma’s Swift Fox Population
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Monitoring of Oklahoma’s Swift Fox PopulationE-4906-17-199811-16-2001
E-51 Status of the Mountain Plover in Cimarron County
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Status of the Mountain Plover in Cimarron CountyE-5106-01-199912-31-1999
E-53 Determining Acreage of Black-tailed Prairie Dog Colonies in Northwest Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Determining Acreage of Black-tailed Prairie Dog Colonies in Northwest OklahomaE-5309-03-200007-02-2003
E-55 Development of Umbrella Candidate Conservation Agreements for Shortgrass Prairie Wildlife
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Development of Umbrella Candidate Conservation Agreements for Shortgrass Prairie WildlifeE-5509-01-200108-31-2004
E-56 Mid-story Thinning to Enhance Habitat for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker on the McCurtain County Wilderness Area
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Mid-story Thinning to Enhance Habitat for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-56-109-17-200309-16-2008
Mid-story Thinning to Enhance Habitat for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-56-209-17-200809-16-2009
Mid-story Thinning to Enhance Habitat for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-56-309-17-200909-16-2010
Mid-story Thinning to Enhance Habitat for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-56-409-17-201003-31-2014
Mid-story Thinning to Enhance Habitat for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-56-504-01-201403-31-2015
Mid-story Thinning to Enhance Habitat for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker on the McCurtain County Wilderness AreaE-56-604-01-201503-31-2016
E-59 Arkansia wheeleri Monitoring in the Kiamichi and Little Rivers
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Arkansia wheeleri Monitoring in the Kiamichi and Little RiversE-59-207-01-200309-30-2005
E-62 An Ecoregion Approach to Recovery of the Ozark Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens) and Three Other State and Federally Listed Karst Dependant Species: Phase 1&2
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
An Ecoregion Approach to Recovery of the Ozark Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens) and Three Other State and Federally Listed Karst Dependant Species: Phase 1&2E-62-RL-111-01-200410-31-2009
E-65 Examination of American Burying Beetle Reproductive Habitat
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Examination of American Burying Beetle Reproductive HabitatE-65-R-210-01-200510-31-2010
E-67 Red-cockaded Woodpecker Habitat Acquisition
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Habitat AcquisitionE-67-RL-1 RCW06-01-200812-31-2012
E-68 Identification, Enumeration and Cataloging of Samples Collected during Arkansas River Shiner Monitoring Surveys in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Identification, Enumeration and Cataloging of Samples Collected during Arkansas River Shiner Monitoring Surveys in OklahomaE-68-R-108-01-200810-31-2011
E-70 Current Distribution and Status of the Lesser Prairie-chicken of Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Current Distribution and Status of the Lesser Prairie-chicken of OklahomaE-7002-01-200901-31-2012
E-71 Development of a Multi-state Whooping Crane and Lesser Prairie-Chicken Habitat Conservation Plan for Wind Development
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Development of a Multi-state Whooping Crane and Lesser Prairie-Chicken Habitat Conservation Plan for Wind DevelopmentE-7108-11-200908-04-2013
E-72 An Ecoregion Approach for Recovery and Protection of Karst Dependent Federally Listed Species
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
An Ecoregion Approach for Recovery and Protection of Karst Dependent Federally Listed SpeciesE-7207-01-200906-30-2013
E-73 Least Tern Monitoring in the Canadian River Landowner Conservation Cooperative
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Least Tern Monitoring in the Canadian River Landowner Conservation CooperativeE-73-R-105-15-200904-30-2012
Least Tern Monitoring in the Canadian River Landowner Conservation CooperativeE-73-R-204-01-201303-30-2016
Least Tern Monitoring in the Canadian River Landowner Conservation CooperativeE-73-R-304-01-201603-31-2017
Monitoring and Protection for the Interior Least Tern in the Canadian River Landowner Conservation CooperativeE-73-R-404-01-201703-31-2019
E-75 Propagation and Augmentation of the Ouachita Rock Pocketbook
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Propagation and Augmentation of the Ouachita Rock PocketbookE-75-R-107-20-201107-19-2015
Propagation and Augmentation of the Ouachita Rock PocketbookE-75-R-210-01-201509-30-2018
Propagation and Augmentation of the Ouachita Rock PocketbookE-75-R-301-01-202012-31-2021
E-76 Surveys of Listed and Candidate Aquatic Species in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Surveys of Listed and Candidate Aquatic Species in OklahomaE-76-R-110-01-201009-30-2013
Surveys of Listed and Candidate Aquatic Species in OklahomaE-76-R-210-01-201309-30-2014
Surveys of Listed and Candidate Aquatic Species in OklahomaE-76-R-310-01-201409-30-2016
Cooperative Surveys of Federally-listed and Candidate Aquatic Species in OklahomaE-76-R-410-01-201610-31-2017
Cooperative Surveys and Coordination of Federally-listed and Candidate Species in OklahomaE-76-R-510-01-201912-31-2019
Cooperative Surveys and Coordination of Federally-listed and Candidate Species in OklahomaE-76-R-601-01-202012-31-2020
Cooperative Surveys and Coordination of Federally-listed and Candidate Species in OklahomaE-76-R-701-01-202112-31-2021
E-77 Genetic Structure of Ozark Big-eared Bat Populations and the Establishment of Unobtrusive Population Monitoring Program
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Genetic Structure of Ozark Big-eared Bat Populations and the Establishment of Unobtrusive Population Monitoring ProgramE-7712-01-201011-30-2013
E-80 Assessing Black-capped Vireo Response to Wildfire in Southwestern Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Assessing Black-capped Vireo Response to Wildfire in Southwestern OklahomaE-80-R-103-15-201303-14-2014
Assessing Black-capped Vireo Response to Wildfire in Southwestern OklahomaE-80-R-203-15-201403-14-2015
Assessing Black-capped Vireo Response to Wildfire in Southwestern OklahomaE-80-R-304-01-201509-30-2016
E-81 Processing and Vouchering of Fish Samples Collected from Annual Monitoring Efforts for the Arkansas River Shiner in the Canadian River
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Processing and Vouchering of Large-River Fish Samples Collected for Monitoring Listed and At-Risk FishE-81-105-01-201304-30-2014
Processing and Vouchering of Large-River Fish Samples Collected for Monitoring Listed and At-Risk FishE-81-R-205-01-201406-30-2015
Processing and Vouchering of Large River Fish Samples Collected for Monitoring Listed and At-Risk FishE-81-R-311-01-201510-31-2016
Processing and Vouchering of Fish Samples Collected from Annual Monitoring Efforts for the Arkansas River Shiner (Notropis Girardi) in the Canadian RiverE-81-R-401-01-201712-31-2018
E-83 DNA Analysis of Fecal Material to Identify Prey Selection of Ozark Big-eared Bats
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
DNA Analysis of Fecal Material to Identify Prey Selection of Ozark Big-eared BatsE-83-R-110-01-201509-30-2016
E-84 Oklahoma’s Threatened and Endangered Species Booklet
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Oklahoma’s Threatened and Endangered Species BookletE-8404-01-201609-30-2017
E-86 An Ecoregion Approach for Recovery and Protection of Karst-Dependent Federally Listed Species: Phase IV
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
An Ecoregion Approach for Recovery and Protection of Karst-Dependent Federally Listed Species: Phase IVE-8603-01-201702-28-2018
E-87 Surveys to Determine Impacts of Grazing and Pecan Orchards on the American Burying Beetle
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Surveys to Determine Impacts of Grazing and Pecan Orchards on the American Burying BeetleE-8704-01-201703-31-2018
E-88 Reinstatement of Management and Monitoring Efforts for a Remnant Population of Black-capped Vireos in Blaine County, Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Reinstatement of Management and Monitoring Efforts for a Remnant Population of Black-capped Vireos in Blaine County, OklahomaE-88-R-104-01-201703-31-2018
Reinstatement of Management and Monitoring Efforts for a Remnant Population of Black-capped Vireos in Blaine County, OklahomaE-88-R-201-01-201912-31-2019
E-89 Monitoring of Federally-listed and Declining Bats in an Ozark Cave System During Spring Emergence and Fall Swarming Periods
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Monitoring of Federally-listed and Declining Bats in an Ozark Cave System During Spring Emergence and Fall Swarming PeriodsE-89-R-101-01-201812-31-2018
E-90 Conservation Genomics of the Neosho Mucket (Lampsilis rafinesqueana)
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Conservation Genomics of the Neosho Mucket (Lampsilis rafinesqueana)E-90-R-101-01-201812-31-2020
E-91 Genomic Assessment of Isolation and Connectivity Among Black-capped Vireo Populations in Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Genomic Assessment of Isolation and Connectivity Among Black-capped Vireo Populations in OklahomaE-91-R-101-01-201912-31-2019
E-93 Integrating State and Federal Permit Data for Threatened and Endangered Species into the Oklahoma Biodiversity Information System
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Integrating State and Federal Permit Data for Threatened and Endangered Species into the Oklahoma Biodiversity Information SystemE-93-R-101-01-202106-30-2023
E-94 Surveys within Oklahoma’s Historical Range of the Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus) to Determine Current Distribution and Status
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
Surveys within Oklahoma’s Historical Range of the Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus) to Determine Current Distribution and StatusE-94-R-101-01-202112-31-2021
Surveys within Oklahoma’s historical range of the Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus) to determine current distribution and statusE-94-R-201-01-202212-31-2022
E-95 A survey for Triaenodes tridontus (Leptoceridae) in SE Oklahoma
Project NameProject NumberStart Date End Date
A survey for Triaenodes tridontus (Leptoceridae) in SE OklahomaE-95-R-101-01-202212-31-2022