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Human Dimensions Research

What is Human Dimensions research?

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) incorporates human dimensions data into decisions made by the Department. Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management research focuses on collecting information about people (humans). These data are often collected from hunters, anglers, and those that love the outdoors, and typically focus on beliefs, attitudes, and values. The data may also help us understand activity motivations and barriers, preferences, expectations, and satisfaction with how the Wildlife Department manages the outdoors in Oklahoma.  

This data is collected in a number of ways but most often is collected through surveys, public comments, or focus groups.



Recent research topics:



Angler Surveys (2007, 2014, 2019, 2023)




We also partner and fund projects through universities, which support Masters or Ph.D. projects for human dimensions researchers! 



 Please contact Betsey York, ODWC Human Dimensions Specialist