Cross Timbers WMA is 10,547.12 acres in Love County located 15 miles west of Marietta on Highway 32. The habitat is a mix of oaks, hickory, and mid-tall native prairie grasses. There are some improved pastures.
Going Quail Hunting?
During quail hunting season, wing collection boxes are placed at several wildlife management areas: Beaver River, Optima, Packsaddle, Cooper, Kaw, Drummond Flats, Canton, Fort Supply, Cross Timbers, and Pushmataha. Hunters are asked to donate a wing from each quail they harvest for research purposes. Ultimately, the wings can help determine the status of the quail populations at the WMAs and can offer clues about how next year’s season might pan out.
From Wilson – 9 miles south on State Hwy 76.
From Marietta – 15 miles west on State Hwy 32.
- Quail: Bobwhite quail are present
- Deer: Whitetail deer are present
- Turkey: Rio Grande turkeys are present
- Rabbit and Squirrel: Cottontail rabbits and fox squirrel are present
- Furbearers: Raccoon, Bobcat, Coyote, and others are present
- Dove: Mourning dove availability will increase with future management
- Waterfowl: Waterfowl habitat is presently limited to stock ponds
- Songbirds
Habitat will be managed with fire, strip disking, brush hogging, and cattle grazing.
One camping ground will be built. Very little road access is planned. Parking areas will be spaced evenly around the perimeter of the area.
While there are many stock ponds on the area none are reliable water sources.
Area closed to all activities for controlled deer and turkey hunts:
Nov. 23-Dec.1, 2024
Dec. 7-8, 2024
April 16-20
May 10-14, 2025
Closed Seasons
Same As Statewide Seasons
Seasons w/ Special Restrictions
- Squirrel, Rabbit, Crow, Rail, Gallinule, Snipe, Quail, Woodcock, Trapping, Pursuit with Hounds for Furbearers, Predator/Furbearer Calling, Waterfowl
Closed from Oct. 1 through the first nine days of deer gun season. Water sets, live box traps and enclosed trigger traps only.
Closed to all nonhunting activities, except hunter camping, from Oct. 1 – Jan. 31 and during spring turkey season.
Hunter camping is allowed in designated areas only.
Controlled Hunts: Yet More Ways to Up Your Odds
Additional features continue to be added to the Wildlife Department’s controlled hunts program.
Cackling Geese Tracked in Central Flyway Study
Researchers are tracking cackling geese wintering in a five-state study area to learn more about their movements and habitat preferences.
Study Focused on Bats and Disease-causing Fungus
Bat surveys were conducted to learn more about Oklahoma’s bat communities and hundreds of bats were swabbed for the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome.