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Marbled Salamander

Marbled Salamander



Marbled salamanders have been described as a “chunky salamander.” They have a black body color with 7 to 16 light markings or bands across the back and tail. These bands tend to be white in males, gray in females.


Marbled salamanders can reach 3 to 4 inches in total length.


Marbled salamanders prefer moist woodland areas and have been documented in a six county area in southeastern Oklahoma, including LeFlore, Latimer, Pushmataha, Atoka, Choctaw and McCurtain counties. A small population also has been documented in Adair County.

Life Cycle

Like many other species in the “mole salamander” family, marbled salamanders remain underground most of the year. In the fall, they migrate to areas near small pools of water after a rain event to breed. Females lay 50 to 200 eggs in a small depression and broods the clutch, keeping the eggs protected and moist until the rains arrive. The eggs must be later submerged in rain or flood water to develop. Hatching can occur within days of a flooding event. Marbled salamanders feed on invertebrates like earthworms.

Explore more Oklahoma Amphibians

Western slimy salamander; photo by Andrew Hoffman/Flickr
Photo by: Andrew Hoffman/Flickr

Want the 58 amphibian and 94 reptile species and subspecies that can be found within the state's boundaries in book format?  Head to the Outdoor Store to purchase "A Field Guide to Oklahoma's Amphibians and Reptiles".  Each account shares detailed photos of the animal along with a physical description, information about the food and habitat preferences, and notes on the life cycle and habits of the species. Revenue supports the Wildlife Department's Wildlife Diversity Fund.
For information on taking or attempting to take reptiles and amphibians or possessing reptiles or amphibians consult the current regulations.