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Lexington WMA

A drone shot of the Lexington WMA in central Oklahoma.
Darrin Hill


Game Warden (County):
(405) 850-9757(Cleveland)
(405) 323-7863(Cleveland)

Area Acres
9,512 ac.
Area Non-Ambulatory Acres
1,274.61 ac.

The Lexington Wildlife Management Area is  9,512 acres located off Highway 77 five miles south and six miles east of Noble, Oklahoma in Cleveland County. Post oak-blackjack, also called cross timbers habitat, and native grasses overlay Lexington WMA. Many common game and nongame species are found on this central Oklahoma area.

The primary water sources for Lexington WMA are Big Buckhead and Little Buckhead Creeks on the west end and Pond Creek in the east. There are about 30 ponds of various sizes located throughout the area. Lake Dahlgren, which covers 26 surface acres, is managed by Fish Division for public angling.

From Lexington: 5 miles north on U.S. Hwy 77, 5½ miles east on Slaughterville Rd.

From Noble: 5 miles south on U.S. Hwy 77, 5½ miles east on Slaughterville Rd.

  • Quail: Bobwhite quail are present but are highly sought after.
  • Deer: White-tailed deer inhabit the area but are highly sought after.
  • Turkey: Rio Grande wild turkeys are present, but are highly sought after.
  • Rabbit: Cottontails are present in good numbers.
  • Furbearers: Coyote, bobcat, raccoon, and other furbearers are available.
  • Dove: Local doves are present, but usually are not concentrated in large numbers.
  • Waterfowl: Some ducks utilize the area ponds.
  • Squirrel: Fox squirrel are present in good numbers.
  • Nongame Birds 
  • Reptiles & Amphibians 

Prescribed fire, strip discing and wildlife food plots are utilized to increase vegetation diversity to enhance wildlife habitat. 

Primitive camping is available near the main entrance. A shooting range is located on the management area.

Lexington WMA, photo by Darrin Hill


Features: 50-yard and 100-yard rifle ranges with 5 covered shooting benches, a 25-yard pistol range with 4 covered shooting benches, and ADA access and parking.

Coordinates: 35° 2'42.27"N 97°10'39.48"W

Driving Directions: From Purcell, travel east out of town on US-77 N towards Lexington for 1 mile. Continue straight onto OK-39 E/ Broadway St through Lexington for 9.4 miles. Travel north on 180th St for 2 miles. The entrance to the rifle range will be on your left.

Be sure to review Department-Managed Area Rules on shooting ranges before use.

Opportunities exist at Dahlgren Lake and several small ponds located on the management area for channel catfish, largemouth bass and sunfish.

Watch Dahlgren Lake on YouTube.


Area closed to all activities (except shooting range) for controlled deer hunts Nov. 16-17 and Nov. 20-21, 2024.

Closed Seasons
Deer Gun, Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Turkey Fall Archery, Turkey Fall Gun
Same As Statewide Seasons
Youth Deer Gun, Deer Muzzleloader
Seasons w/ Special Restrictions
  • Deer Archery

Closed during the first nine days of deer gun season.

  • Dove, Rail, Gallinule, Crow, Snipe, Waterfowl, Rabbit, Squirrel, Quail, Woodcock, Pursuit with Hounds for Furbearers, Predator/Furbearer Calling

Closed from the opening day of deer archery season through the first nine days of deer gun season.

  • Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey Spring

One-tom limit; seasons combined.

  • Trapping

Open to water sets, live box traps and enclosed trigger traps only.​​​

Additional Restrictions:

Closed to all nonhunting activities, except hunter camping, from Oct. 1 - Feb. 15. However, fishing and angler camping is permitted at Lake Dahlgren.

Lake Dahlgren is closed to all activities during controlled hunts.

Hunter and angler camping is allowed in designated areas.

Frontier Country

Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department
Post Office Box 52002
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-2002
(800) 652-6552 or (405) 521-2409

Norman Convention and Visitors Bureau

Q: What are the hours of operation and regulations for the Lexington Gun Range? 

A: Users are required to have a valid Oklahoma hunting license or combination lifetime license to use the Gun Ranges. The range is open from official sunrise until 30 minutes after official sunset. Users do not have to check in or reserve a spot, they are allowed to use the range as much as they want. It is required to only use paper or clay targets; metal targets are NOT allowed. Users must wear proper ear and eye protection and be courteous to other shooters. 

Q: Is Lexington open to Deer Gun season? 

A: No, Lexington is open to Archery and Muzzleloader only. Special restrictions do apply to the Archery season. Lexington is open to youth deer gun season, but not regular deer gun season. Lexington is also closed to the holiday antlerless deer gun as well.  

Q: Can you fish at Lexington WMA? 

A: Yes. Users must possess a valid Oklahoma Fishing License or combination lifetime license. There are two lakes on the property (Smith Lake and Dahlgren Lake) along with numerous small ponds. Users can expect to catch channel catfish, largemouth bass, and sunfish. 

Q: Where can I park when I’m at Lexington WMA? 

A: Users can park at any of the gates or off the side of any of the roads within the Lexington WMA Boundaries. You do not have to be in one of the designated parking areas. We do ask, if parking at a gate, do not block the gates, and when parking on the side of a road, please do not block traffic coming down the road. Be mindful that ditches may be wet. 

Q: Are tree stands and game cameras allowed? 

A: Yes. Hunters are allowed to hang stands and game cameras 14 days before hunting season opens and leave them on the property up to 14 days after the season closes. If hunters leave stands or cameras on the property, they must have the hunter’s name and customer identification number attached to the stand or camera. The department is not liable for lost or stolen items, so it is best to lock items left on the property to a tree. No stand or camera can be drilled into the tree. Anything left up must be strapped onto the tree. If stands or cameras are left hanging past the 14-day limit after the season, they can be removed by department personnel.

Controlled Hunts: Yet More Ways to Up Your Odds

Additional features continue to be added to the Wildlife Department’s controlled hunts program.

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Researchers are tracking cackling geese wintering in a five-state study area to learn more about their movements and habitat preferences.

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