Altus Lugert WMA covers 3,600 acres of Greer and Kiowa counties in southwest Oklahoma. The area lies adjacent to and north of Lake Altus and primarily north of Hwy 9 between Lone Wolf and Granite. Altus Lugert WMA consists mainly of river bottom and slough areas with dense vegetation. Slough areas are dominated by cattail and other aquatic species. Bottomland areas are heavily wooded with cottonwood, American elm, willow, Kentucky coffee, honey locust, cedar and saltcedar. A limited amount of mixed/tallgrass prairie interspersed with sandplum lies in the northeast portion of the area. Average annual precipitation is 26 inches.
The north fork of the Red River flows through the area. Water levels in the river and sloughs can vary between heavily flooded and dry. Occasional high lake levels back water into the WMA and create areas of flooded timber, resulting in excellent wetland habitat for waterfowl.
West Entrances
From Granite: 1 mile east on State Hwy 9, 0.8 mile north on N2030, ½ mile east on E1410. Continue another mile north on N2030, 0.7 mile east into area. Continue another 2 miles north on N2030, 1.7 miles east into area.
East Entrance
From Granite: 3 miles east on State Hwy 9, 0.8 mile north on N2050, ½ mile west on E1400.
- Quail: Bobwhite quail occupy some of the upland sites and less dense wooded areas.
- Deer: White-tailed deer are present throughout.
- Turkey: Rio Grande wild turkeys are present in fair numbers.
- Rabbit: Cottontail rabbits are found over most of the area.
- Squirrel: Fox squirrels are abundant.
- Furbearers: Coyote, bobcat beaver and raccoon are available.
- Dove: Fair numbers can usually be found since the area lies within a major migration corridor.
- Waterfowl: When water levels are high, goose and duck hunting can be good in the sloughs and river. Lake Altus offers a large body of water nearby with generally good waterfowl numbers.
- Bald Eagle: Eagles winter at Lake Altus and can often be seen from the WMA.
- Nongame Birds: The extensive wooded areas offer excellent habitat for many species of birds. Numerous species of shore birds frequent shallow water areas.
Management efforts focus on enhancing native vegetation. Prescribed grazing and prescribed burning are used to provide more open space, enhance key species and control invasive species. Summer and winter food plots, consisting of milo, millet, peas and winter wheat, are planted on the area.
Camping is not permitted on Altus Lugert WMA.
Water levels dictate success. Spring can provide excellent white bass fishing while they are moving up river. Spring can also produce very good channel cat fishing in the main slough north of Hwy 9.
Unless otherwise provided, firearms are restricted to shotguns and rimfire only.
Closed Seasons
Same As Statewide Seasons
Seasons w/ Special Restrictions
- Youth Deer Gun
Closed to antlerless hunting. Archery, shotguns with slugs and muzzleloading equipment only.
- Deer Gun
Open the first nine days only. Closed to antlerless hunting. Archery, shotguns with slugs and muzzleloading equipment only.
- Snipe, Woodcock, Waterfowl, Sandhill Cranes, Quail, Rabbit, Squirrel, Pursuit with Hounds for Furbearers, Predator/Furbearer Calling
Closed during the first nine days of deer gun season.
- Trapping
Open to water sets, live box traps and enclosed trigger traps only through Jan 31. Open same as statewide Feb 1 through end of February.
- Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey Spring
One-tom limit; seasons combined, area combined. Hunting hours close at 7:00 p.m. daily.
- Quail
Closed to non-resident hunting February 1-15.
No camping allowed.
Altus Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 518
Altus OK 73522
Great Plains Country
114 South 9th St, Suite A Frederick OK 73542
Mangum and Greer County
Chamber of Commerce
222 W Jefferson
Mangum OK 73554
Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department
Post Office Box 52002
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-2002
(800) 652-6552 or (405) 521-2409
City of Sayre
(580) 928-2260